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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Is the live chat not working today - 11/6?

I wanted to do a live chat and enter in all of the infor and then it asks if I want to do live chat and I click the box and then nothing??  A blank screen pops up and then in a few minutes the survey appears????  


Can someone in IT respond and better yet - please fix it..  Thank you......

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Posts: 3
Registered: ‎11-01-2023

Re: Is the live chat not working today - 11/6?

I've been having the same problem and it appears it's been going on for a while now. I like Live Chat cause I'm hearing impaired (as I'm sure others are as well) and sometimes it's hard to hear the CS rep. Live chat is easier for me and others as well. Hope they fix it soon as we're going into the holiday season.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Is the live chat not working today - 11/6?

I also couldn't communicate using Live Chat today.  I clicked on the option and nothing happened.  So I ended up calling a CS rep, who was helpful.  I needed a price adjustment and she seemed to handle it efficiently.  (I won't know for sure until it shows up on my cc statement.)   But I hope they get Live Chat up and running again soon.