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We went for a walk last night-it was such a beautiful mild night and the moon was so bright.


I love to wake up in the middle of the night and the room is flooded with moonlight.


I usually have crazy, bizarre dreams when that happens.  But the clouds and rain moved in and took that away.


Do you think maybe the it was the full moon?


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Never dream... or I should say never really know I might be dreaming.  But a few night ago my dream was VIVID.  I was totally lost and had no idea how to get home.  No id on me, and no phone.  Strange location no way to solve my problem. Woke up frightened but relieved.


Googled the type of dream.  Said it was anxiety... something that might have happened during the day. 


Right on... my heat pump and dishwasher went out the same afternoon and hubbies treatmill part was on backorder not to be ready until April 2.  Not the biggest problems in the world but I was the one who is in charge of getting everything right.  

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I've had vivid nightmares since I was a small child.  One, that started when I was about 6 or 7,  is of a man in a black hat coming down the hall toward my bedroom. In another one, that started when I was about 5,  I witnessed a murder happening outside my bedroom window.  I know, pretty weird for a 5 year old.   My mother and other family members swore that I never witnessed anything remotely like that.  At almost 66 I still have those two & other scary dreams from time to time.  

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I love to dream! Too long to go into, but a recurring dream saved my life when I was 26.


My dreams also seem to have a lot of anxiety associated with them, while my "real" life is anxiety-free.


I often dream that my sister is with me, when I wake, I wonder where she is, in the downstairs bedroom? Then I realize she is 500 miles from me. Strange.

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Yeah, that happens to me sometimes, too.  About 10 days ago, I dreamed I had baby.  That would really be a "dream" since I'm 68  Woman LOL


Somebody once explained dreams to me this way:  Our brains register everything & "file" things away in our subconscious.  When we sleep, the brain starts cleaning out those "files" resulting in some strange dreams.


Well, maybe that's true.  About a week before I had that baby dream, a family member had a baby, so I just had babies on the mind.

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@MaggieMack wrote:

I love to dream! Too long to go into, but a recurring dream saved my life when I was 26.


My dreams also seem to have a lot of anxiety associated with them, while my "real" life is anxiety-free.


I often dream that my sister is with me, when I wake, I wonder where she is, in the downstairs bedroom? Then I realize she is 500 miles from me. Strange.

I am a very prolific dreamer and remember almost all of them.  For many years after my mother died (at age 49 when I was 29), I dreamed she came to me from out of the bathroom sink!  Then she would stay with me all day and I would tell her everyone thinks she's dead and she would respond, "well, you know I'm not." 


I have not had that same experience with my beloved sister, who passed 4-1/2 years ago.  Except for one very vivid dream which was shortly after she passed, I do not dream about my sister very often.  I loved her just as much, so I don't know the reason for the difference.  Perhaps it's because she was 72 and I am now 78 and death is more acceptable to me now.

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When I was a small child I had dreams a child that age should not have and I walked in my sleep. I was always slaying dragons and snakes in my dreams and remember that when I woke up I felt empowered. Years later when I saw a psychologist she said some kids who walk in their sleep have severe psychosis. I can understand that, I think I may have really witnessed things that my young mind could not understand so I thought I was dreaming. I do dream as an adult and remember some of them, they are usually about things and situations I'm fearing or anxious about.

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I had a bible verse come me to once when I was in a hotel by myself and I'd had a stressful experience with the front desk. I took a nap and it came to me and I'm not even a bible person. My verse was from Romans though not as peaceful as Psalms-Smiley Happy Did the verse have any meaning to you?

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@ladyroxanne wrote:



i laughed out loud at that one!

Me too! Thanks for that fortune.  Still chuckling.

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@daisyk wrote:

I had a bible verse come me to once when I was in a hotel by myself and I'd had a stressful experience with the front desk. I took a nap and it came to me and I'm not even a bible person. My verse was from Romans though not as peaceful as Psalms-Smiley Happy Did the verse have any meaning to you?

Yes it did.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.