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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Buy a house, it is the largest amount of money we have ever borrowed.  

Yes, after buying our first house, it really made me stop and think every time I spent a dollar!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

@I am still oxox wrote:

At 16 I went sailing with my 14 year old brother, who had never sailed before Smiley Happy, but read a book on sailing,  tiny little boat out in Montauck, I am surprised my folks let us go 

That would scare me too! For some reason, water scares me more than jumping out of a plane.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

I'm living it.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

I got pregnant with my 2 children. I was warned that it would be a very high risk pregnancy both times. I didn't listen and gave birth to two children that are everything to me and I have been blessed to see both of them grow up.Heart

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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

Early retirement.  I retired about 10 years earlier than planned which was scary both financially and emotionally. By retiring early, I have less than half of what I would have had in my 401K and savings.  However, a greater Force was guiding me and so far everything has worked out. 


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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

[ Edited ]


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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

It was definitely the scariest thing I've ever done.  For me it was deciding to marry again after first husband of 53 years passed away.  I was 73 and married a wonderful man of 86. We knew we'd never see a 25th anniversary, but we did make it for ten years until he pased last year.  A mistake?  Definitely the best move I've ever made - ten of the happiest years of my entire life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.. So I've lost two wonderful men now, and cherish every memory, every emotion, every laugh and just a few tears. 

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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

Honestly living through my 20's in the late 1970's and early 1980's.


  I took risks and did things went places that I was just fortunate enough to come out the other side alive, and well.    The 20's for me were my difficult years.... and learning years of how to become an adult...... thank goodness I survived them and grew up into a well adjusted person.  But I did test the waters, and got just about everything out of my system to realize what I wanted in life.


AND that is:  Peace, joy, love and contentment, all what I have today at 60!   

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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

@Perkup wrote:

It was definitely the scariest thing I've ever done.  For me it was deciding to marry again after first husband of 53 years passed away.  I was 73 and married a wonderful man of 86. We knew we'd never see a 25th anniversary, but we did make it for ten years until he pased last year.  A mistake?  Definitely the best move I've ever made - ten of the happiest years of my entire life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.. So I've lost two wonderful men now, and cherish every memory, every emotion, every laugh and just a few tears. 

@PerkupSuch a beautiful post! You brought tears to my eyes in a good way. It sounds like you have had a wonderful life and are enjoying every moment.

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Re: What is the Most Risky Thing You Have Ever Done?

[ Edited ]

@Perkup wrote:

It was definitely the scariest thing I've ever done.  For me it was deciding to marry again after first husband of 53 years passed away.  I was 73 and married a wonderful man of 86. We knew we'd never see a 25th anniversary, but we did make it for ten years until he pased last year.  A mistake?  Definitely the best move I've ever made - ten of the happiest years of my entire life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.. So I've lost two wonderful men now, and cherish every memory, every emotion, every laugh and just a few tears. 

@Perkup that is just a sweet story. You are lucky to have had two wonderful men in your life where most people are lucky to have had even just one. I am happy you took the chance and married again and had 10 years of additional wonderful memories.