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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

This wont help much or help people with addiction.




Any drug can be obtained off the street.  This is the problem.

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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

[ Edited ]

Isn’t the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)  responsible for regulating the pharmaceutical industry?  I don’t see how the opioid problem can be blamed solely on the companies that made them.


I think there is plenty of blame to go around.


ETA: I feel it is barbaric and inhumane to deny pain relief to people who are suffering while everyone is pointing fingers.


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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

We pay doctors to prescribe the proper medication, they get the big bucks because we EXPECT them to be educated on the subject. They've let us down horribly. I was addicted to drugs, became a freakin zombie because of what my doctor ordered, said I MUST have. I never dreamed he was wrong, just that my condition had worsened with time. I lost years of my life in lala land because of him. When I went to another doctor, they put me in the hospital and rehabbed me back to good health. I was one of the lucky ones. I hate big Pharma, they want to kill us.

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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

I have no idea how you fight this crisis and help people who need the relief and these drugs help.


I do wonder why no one ever sues the alcohol industry. We all know that's addicting for sure.

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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

I think the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control (OBN) would also have some culpability.



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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

The biggest problem with opiods is the people who abuse them. These people have the choice to take or not. This problem isn't people who have chronic pain as I have. I resent the government telling me what I can or cannot have! I do not abuse my meds. I am glad to have them. Yes I have tried P/T and CBD oil. Yoga is a joke for people who are trying to live with back pain. People will continue to buy off the street from drugs that are coming into our country. I am truly sorry to the people who have died or whose families have had horrible situations. Having said that, people with true chronic pain are not the abusers, yet we are called 'junkies'. At some point personal responsibility comes into play. I know I could not live with the pain. Does anybody think the people who changed the rules would allow their loved ones to suffer if there was a way to alleviate their pain?

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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

If pharma wants to kill us, it would kill their business. I think a cold could be eliminated, but look at all the money that is spent. Same with some cancers. How many people have died from the 'cure'. Plus cancer drugs are expensive. I didn't have cancer, but I used one of the drugs used in cancer treatment. There comes a point when personal responsibility comes into play. 

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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

[ Edited ]

'I don't know'.............


I really haven't kept up with this subject matter.


Seems to me that each step on the ladder should have a bit of responsibility/knowledge as to addict-ability.


I always read the info on medications.  Ask for the large print, which they will print for customers.


Read the side effects, etc.


Too many people I've known just didn't/don't pay any attention to their side effect symptoms.  They just continued on and on, experiencing various symptoms. 

Complaining about 'this and that', and not interested in calling their docs or talking with a pharmacist (who are genius, imo).


As I previously said, each step up and down the ladder of this subject matter has a bit of responsibility.  Lots of steps there, which could be used as safety checks.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

@BLK wrote:

If pharma wants to kill us, it would kill their business. I think a cold could be eliminated, but look at all the money that is spent. Same with some cancers. How many people have died from the 'cure'. Plus cancer drugs are expensive. I didn't have cancer, but I used one of the drugs used in cancer treatment. There comes a point when personal responsibility comes into play. 

@BLK, I'm a little bit unclear as to what you're trying to say, and I especially don't understand how your last sentence relates here

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Trial Starts For Johnson & Johnson Regarding Opioid Crisis

@Spurt wrote:
  • A historic trial: Oklahoma's attorney general is taking on Johnson & Johnson over opioids, alleging the company acted as a drug "kingpin," created a public nuisance that cost the state billions of dollars and destroyed thousands of lives.
  • It's the first of many: The Oklahoma trial is the first major trial of nearly 2,000 cases around the country, testing whether a state can make a pharmaceutical company pay for the opioid epidemic