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Similar to yours.  I absolutely only use clear plastic containers.  I have to see what's inside.  I use storage cubes, I bought 4 more.  They must have clear windows.  I keep losing weight so I have tons of clothing to give away or throw away.  I'm not keeping keeping things I know won't fit next spring and not keeping things until "I can donate them".  There really aren't places to donate used clothing around here.  Charities prefer cash donations because they have neither the manpower or space for used clothing.  So my to do list is "throw that #$"&# out.  I want to do it before I go into Christmas mode.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@qualitygal    After downsizing the space in which I live several times, I am now doing "interior downsizing."   I know that no one in my family wants to live anywhere near my condo nor even use it for vacations.  What they want is that I clear my space of whatever I can without interfering with my own comfort.

I've made so many decisions as I've worked at that goal, so that now the decisions are harder.  The easiest decisions?  Using what I have instead of buying new just to have new, and giving myself permission to trash a lot that I wouldn't buy myself if I saw it in one of my thrift store explorations. 

Both those decisions let me see progress month by month, and I've been using my plan long enough that there's very little left on any shelf I can't reach without a ladder.  Doctor's suggestion a few years ago.



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Since I am getting to a high age with health problems, I have begun going through things and getting them more organized so that my ex-hubby, son and grandson won't have so much to go through when it is "my time" to go! The time "to go" is getting nearer each day, so I need to get with it!!

I am not a hoarder, but I do have about 6 boxes of clothes and 4 boxes of decorations, etc.  So that is what I will do today!  Good Sunday to you all.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

The same....sort and organize my closets and extra crapola!


Unfortunately this "To Do" never seems to get on

the "To Done" list! Woman Frustrated


"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Im going out now to cut my backyard grass (a crew does the front). Then to home depot for grass seed and Weed n Feed stuff. Granddaughter wants to do late lunch.  I'll try to fit her in.😄

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

What was I thinking -or not thinking- about going to Costco.

It was like black Friday!

Some people will do just about anything for a deal on Diet Coke.