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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

On 3/27/2015 Yammy25 said:

Look at the knots of varicose veins bulging out of her leg, and her wrinkled skin around her feet near her toes. But she has had plenty of plastic surgery.

Well, good luck to you looking 40 when you turn 81!

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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

On 3/27/2015 shoekitty said:


Love the Gloria photos. That is the way I like to dress. I love her belt and bracelets! She is a natural beauty. I love her laugh lines, she reeks intelligence and confidence.

Love them too Shoey, and her style is one of my own faves as well.

ITA with everything you said about Glo! She's proof that you can age gracefully-yet-naturally, and still stay relevant and youthful.

Faces of all genders are more interesting to me the older they get. Laugh/smile/grin lines show that you have a sense of humor and enjoyment, and others can add definition and structure to your face.

And if you inherited great bone structure, that becomes even more pronounced as you age.

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎07-25-2013

Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

And the best part is that she looks like herself. I don't know if she has had work done or not but if she has she still looks like herself which I love. I am glad she is still beautiful.

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎06-15-2011

Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

Blanche:Name one woman over 50 that is still considered secy...and don't say Joan Collins.That woman belongs in a wax museum.

I love Joan Collins...she's still a raving beauty.

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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

She looks great because she keeps up with plastic surgery and hair color, and watches her weight. But nothing is more important that one's health to look good.

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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

I just hope I look as good as my Mom <3

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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

A little too much ""muchness."" She would look even more beautiful with a little less.

I remember her as a young starlet and she was strikingly beautiful. The genes are there.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

I love Joan Collins, I have always have.

She was called "the poor man's Elizabeth Taylor" when she was younger, but I think she is beautiful enough in her own right that she doesn't need to be compared to someone else.

Love this picture, she looks fabulous. I am happy for her that she has received this honor.

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Re: This is how I want to look at 81!

On 3/29/2015 BeckiWV said:

I love Joan Collins, I have always have.

She was called "the poor man's Elizabeth Taylor" when she was younger, but I think she is beautiful enough in her own right that she doesn't need to be compared to someone else.

Love this picture, she looks fabulous. I am happy for her that she has received this honor.

I also remember that being said about her.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986