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Are you going to or having a super bowl party?  Who are you rooting for?  We will be at our son's house and rooting for Atlanta!!  I will bring chocolate chip cookies!!Woman Happy

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I'm rooting for the puppies.  I will bring dog biscuits!

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I don't think I'm watching and I live outside of Atlanta.  Smiley Sad


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A friend of mine is actually attending the game. I'm not hosting or going to a party. I might watch, but I doubt it. I will be rooting for Atlanta though. 

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I  am hosting some friends. We are all rooting for Atlanta.

We are all contributing some kind of food/drinks  for the get together.


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No party, but my husband and I always have good food and watch the game. I am rooting for Atlanta!!!!!

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Not having, going to or hosting a party but will be rooting for Atlanta (although I seriously doubt I'll even watch the game)!!!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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I'm not a fan of either team, but I will root for Atlanta to make it interesting. I love football so I'm hoping for a competitive game. I'm also looking forward to Lady Gaga.🏉🏉

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Ii'll take some cookies... or even biscuits.  You can keep the game. :-)

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I probably won't watch the game, as I'm not really that interested.  I'd like to see Atlanta win, however.