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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

@Sassycoco  If I could be half the woman my mother was it would be amazing she was college educated had a masters in her early years she worked as an account in a very male driven profession. after my brother and I were born she was involved in the Parents Association. In her later years she became the Assistant Director of a Senior Citizens lunch program serving lunch to 300 Senior citizen daily as well as delivering over 100 home bound meals. She was a true force of nature 


@Sassycoco wrote:
@I am still oxox

So ,deeply sorry for the loss of your parents 😢

I wish I could say time hasn't for me .My grandmother passed away in 2004.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about her ,wish she was still here.

I can say she's in my heart ❤️ always

I reminisce about her, with family and friends

She was the most beautiful, sweet, kind ,strong and intelligent woman.

I honor her by being the person she raised me to be .

I keep her spirit alive ,with family traditions, loving unconditionally, helping others and listening to some of her favorite songs and dancing around in our living room having so much fun 💕 ❤️

I guess ,this is my way of keeping her spirit alive in our family .

I hope and pray 🙏 you find peace and know that you are not alone ! ❤️

Wishing you, a wonderful Holiday ...


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

@I am still oxox

Your mother sounds like an amazing woman ❤️

I can see how proud , you are of your mother ❤️

She was your "hero " that's so touching 😢

Seems ,she was a very caring ,giving person

How blessed you are to have her as a mother ❤️

I think honoring her , would be a wonderful thing to do !

I pray as you read the comments on this feel the compassion, kind words , and prayers, come from the ❤️

I realize this is a difficult time for you

I have tbh , I only read your post about your loss ...

I didn't read other responses until I had already posted, mine

I have to say ,I don't believe the comment that seemed to upset you,,
Was meant in anyway to offend you.

IMHO , your reply ....could of been handled differently.... just my 2 cents

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

[ Edited ]

@I am still oxox I'm so sorry for your loss.  It's painful I know.  I lost my dad almost 25 years ago and my mom 2 years ago.


I tell myself that I'm glad that they are not around to see some of the awful negative things going on in the world today regarding their ethnic background.   I know it would be very upsetting to both of them. It is to me so I think you understand of what I'm speaking about.

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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

[ Edited ]

@CalminHeart   I'm so sorry for you loss of your dad.  Maybe I have the wrong poster, but did your brother pass this year also?    Your dad sounded like a great guy.  Yes we mourn their loss, but he wouldn't want you so sad.  ((((Hugs)))). Thinking of you.  Try to keep the wonderful memories in your heart.  ❤️  No one can take those memories from us, and it's ok to cry and let it out.  I'm so sorry.  I still have my dad, but I know the day could come soon.  

No day is a good day to lose someone, but I believe it's even harder near the holidays.  Prayers for comfort and strength.  May you get strength from your cherished memories.   

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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

@I am still oxox   I'm so very sorry for your loss .   This time of year we seem to miss our loved ones even more.   My dad passed 10 yrs ago this past October ,  he was my person .  My person to go to for happy news , sad news , and just about everything I shared with him even as an adult . He always knew just what to say for any situation ,  and could fix any problem  .   He loved me unconditionally, no matter what .   He was kind , gentle , very intelligent, great sense of humor ,  I feel that's where I got my sense of humor from !    Never an unkind word about anyone ,  well politically he did lol 😂.   I miss him every day and this time of year even more so .   We will keep his spirit alive at the family gathering Christmas Day by sharing loving stories especially with my brother and sister .  No one gets those childhood memories and funny things like siblings !!

please try and think of all those good sweet memories you had with your dad ,  I know that's easier said then done , believe me I do .  I hope you are spending Christmas with others you love .  Sending you hugs 🤗


A Very Merry Christmas !

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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mother 2 yrs. ago at Christmas time and this Christmas I'm really missing her.


As far a how we express ourselves, no  matter what  our religion, when we respond to people here on the boards who are grieving...I feel most of us have good intentions and I think it's the intention of most our our hearts to deliver comfort and sympathy the best way we know how. The intent of a persons heart is sometimes more important than even what they say, imo.  

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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

My dear grandmother was born on Christmas Day in 1901. We always had a birthday cake for her on Christmas to make sure her birthday was not forgotten. She has been gone many years now, but memories of her are now not so sad, but sweet; I will always miss her, especially on Christmas Day. You have my deepest condolences. I know the first major holidays are always the hardest for those who have lost someone recently. 

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Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

@lynnie61 wrote:

@CalminHeart   I'm so sorry for you loss of your dad.  Maybe I have the wrong poster, but did your brother pass this year also?    Your dad sounded like a great guy.  Yes we mourn their loss, but he wouldn't want you so sad.  ((((Hugs)))). Thinking of you.  Try to keep the wonderful memories in your heart.  ❤️  No one can take those memories from us, and it's ok to cry and let it out.  I'm so sorry.  I still have my dad, but I know the day could come soon.  

No day is a good day to lose someone, but I believe it's even harder near the holidays.  Prayers for comfort and strength.  May you get strength from your cherished memories.   



Thank you for your good thoughts and remembering about my brother.


Yes, my brother passed at the end of April. One of my sisters-in-law passed in August. One of my best friends passed 3 weeks ago. And now Dad, just 3 days ago.


It's too much.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

@haddon9 wrote:

@I am still oxox I'm so sorry for your loss.  It's painful I know.  I lost my dad almost 25 years ago and my mom 2 years ago.


I tell myself that I'm glad that they are not around to see some of the awful negative things going on in the world today regarding their ethnic background.   I know it would be very upsetting to both of them. It is to me so I think you understand of what I'm speaking about.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I've been saying I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the end of our country. I hope it doesn't end but I'm not optimistic about it anymore. There is way too much hate, judgement, war, and greed in politics and everyday lives of too many people. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,240
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sunday it will be 7 years my Dad is gone

[ Edited ]

@CalminHeart wrote:

@haddon9 wrote:

@I am still oxox I'm so sorry for your loss.  It's painful I know.  I lost my dad almost 25 years ago and my mom 2 years ago.


I tell myself that I'm glad that they are not around to see some of the awful negative things going on in the world today regarding their ethnic background.   I know it would be very upsetting to both of them. It is to me so I think you understand of what I'm speaking about.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I've been saying I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the end of our country. I hope it doesn't end but I'm not optimistic about it anymore. There is way too much hate, judgement, war, and greed in politics and everyday lives of too many people. 

@CalminHeart Thank you.  I'm very sorry for your loss as well.  It sounds like it's a very difficult year for you. 


I agree about all of the negative news going on.  It can be very scary if one watches too much news and I can easily fall into that trap.


On a brighter note, I went shopping early yesterday morning and it was a madhouse at the local farmer's market and again early in my local supermarket.  I'm having people over for Christmas otherwise I would avoid going food shopping on Christmas eve.  Even though it was packed, everyone seemed to be in good spirits.  People were happy, very polite & helpful which gives me hope in the good of human nature.