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Posts: 3,111
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Sum Up How 2011 Was For You Personally

For far the toughest year of my life. I retired at the end of 2010, sold my house, moved out of state to be a caregiver for my elderly parents.

Then my uncle died in March back in the state I used to live in. I had to go back there to clean out his house and put in on the market. While there, I fractured my wrist, had a plate and eight screws put in, but it still has not healed. I'm still using an electronic bone stimulator to try to get bone growth.

My dad was in and out of nursing homes and hospitals for his heart, and finally in June, we brought him home under hospice care. He passed in August. So, now it's just my mother and I...and my two cats. My mother is 86, and her memory is starting to slip quite often.

I've applied for SSDI myself for a variety of issues, and hopefully within the next two weeks, I'll hear if I've been's looking good, according to the doctor who did my assessment.

As tough as my year has been, I'm sure there are others who have it far worse. I'm actually counting my blessings, and grateful that I have family, an income, and a home. All that I've been through in the last year have made me a far stronger and more compassionate person. How has your year been?

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli