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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Montana wrote:

Occasionally the mods delete a post without explanation.  It has happened to me a few times.  

They don't like bunnies. 🐰

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

I have no personal experience with this and I live in a part of the country where very few people smoke.  However, guy in my diet group needs knee replacement surgery.  He was advised to lose 75lbs, he's around 400lbs now.  But two orthopedic surgeons said that they would not operate on him until he quit smoking and had been of the cigarettes for 6 months.  The weight thing was not deal breaker although they wanted him to lose weight.  They'd do surgery even if he didn't.  But smoking, now way.  Honestly, I had not ever heard of that before and  I have career in healthcare.  But we now know that besides the breathing issues, smoking also inhibits healing and I believe can increase the risk of infections in post op patients.  Don't forget, when patients have any type of post op complications, they blame the doctor.  Always...  Even when it clearly is not the doctor's fault.  They lodge complaints, some sue.  Doctors don't want to deal with that and they don't want increases in the malpractice insurance.  Not for an for an elective surgery.  I have a friend who is primrary care doc and if a patient is transferring their care to her, she gets the records first and she won't accept smokers.  That's been her policy for years.  She says she can't treat noncompliant patients.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

I would say it is done (or actually not done!) because of patient health, and doctor's liability. 


As to smoking in general, it is another personal choice. I have never smoked, but I don't bash those who do.


I'm sure if we keep up with the extensive liability of everything we do these days, this type of thing will spill over to eating the "wrong' foods, weight, recreational drug use and alcohol consumption. It never just stops with one thing. 



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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Mominohio wrote:

I would say it is done (or actually not done!) because of patient health, and doctor's liability. 


As to smoking in general, it is another personal choice. I have never smoked, but I don't bash those who do.


I'm sure if we keep up with the extensive liability of everything we do these days, this type of thing will spill over to eating the "wrong' foods, weight, recreational drug use and alcohol consumption. It never just stops with one thing. 



Yes, I'm sure it is those two factors.


I don't bash smokers, but I do bash smoking. I grew up in a smoke-filled house with two parents who eventually died because of their habit. For some, it just seems to grab and never let go.


As for your last paragraph, we already do have legitimate liability issues with weight, drug use, and alcoholism.


The "wrong" foods? That's another debate. I certainly wish that companies had a conscience about their products and their advertisements, but that's a wish that will never be fulfilled. So I'm in favor of as much guidance and education as possible. We had a great role model for promoting exercise and healthful eating. Hopefully, she will continue in that vein.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

I have had family and friends who have smoked, their choice, some drank, some did both. The alcohol caused the most pain and heartbreak. 

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@goldensrbest wrote:

I have lost so many from smoking, but  you can not make someone stop,they know the dangers and still do it.

It's an addiction.  

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@SaRina wrote:

@Allegheny, As an aside....  weight can be lost with diet alone. In fact, in my experience, diet is more responsible for successful weight loss than exercise... and it doesn't have to be by severely restricting calories, it can be by the right combinations of healthy foods. It may take a bit longer without the addition of exercise, but it can definitely be done.

@SaRina, I don't think this is true.  I believe that some have to resort to weight loss surgery in order to lose weight.  Perhaps other factors play a roll in the inability to lose weight (genetics) or something.  Not everyone who diets can lose weight.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

@PurpleBunny wrote:

@cherry wrote:

If you are referring to me @PurpleBunny  I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I understand it


I don't know if I agree about the diabetics. Blood sugar  can give some people a very  bad time, even if the do everything right. It can be  almost  impossible. for some people to get low readings. Thank goodness I'm not among them

No, no. My post went poof and I don't get WHY. Argh. So frustrating. 

I don't think your post was ever there. I think you're experiencing some glitch, but I don't see mods deleting your posts.

@ChynnaBlue, I've observed entire lines (pages full) disappear without the deleted info made available.  It happened recently.  The thread was popular.  I thought I was going bats, went to find my own comments that I contributed, but they didn't exist.  It happens ~ maybe rare, but it does and you're left scratching your head trying to figure out what happened.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@SilleeMee wrote:

I guess all it takes is one person who doesn't like what they read here and if they find it offensive in the least bit...well you know how that goes @PurpleBunny. This kind of thing won't make me stop posting what I want to say. I follow the rules to the best of my knowledge as do many of us do.Woman Happy

@SilleeMee This IS exactly what's happening.  It has happened to me just recently.  No clue....

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

I love your new avatar @itiswhatitis! That woman is gorgeous. Who is she?