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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

No matter what they come up with, the Osbournes are Old News and can never compete with the Kartrashians in the Reality/Gossip/OMG What Now sweepstakes. Ozzy isn't a transgender dad/mom, so... Too little, too late.

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

@Snowpuppy wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Vickiv wrote:

I guess money is more important than a cheating, drugging and weird  husband!

Maybe she can bring herself to really  leave him, since she makes plenty on her own now.

Isn't this what most women do?


I left with my clothes on my back, DS in tow and what I could pack in my car. Our safety & sanity were a priority.




Me too.....but I also took the dog. (Not the husband, the furry dog, LOL!)

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

They are probably redecorating the house and this is a publicity stunt. Yawn

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

....I'm still stuck on the fact that a woman or women would want to sleep with him.....egads, man.....

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

[ Edited ]

@MickD wrote:

....I'm still stuck on the fact that a woman or women would want to sleep with him.....egads, man.....



Maybe we didn't get the whole story .... any chance this was a BLIND hairdresser? ha ha ha ha ha  

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

OK, here's a question:  What does who you are married to (or maybe who you are no longer married to) say about you?  


Do you make assumptions about someone depending on what their spouse is like?  I'm not asking for "judgment" answers here, but just asking the question.  We've had a spate of "couples" threads going on here now, so that just makes me think about it.


I agree that she has "reasons" for staying with him, and I don't just assume it is as simple as "love."  He must fill some need she has beside that. . . 'ya think? 

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

[ Edited ]

@Sooner wrote:

OK, here's a question:  What does who you are married to (or maybe who you are no longer married to) say about you?  


Do you make assumptions about someone depending on what their spouse is like?  I'm not asking for "judgment" answers here, but just asking the question.  We've had a spate of "couples" threads going on here now, so that just makes me think about it.


I agree that she has "reasons" for staying with him, and I don't just assume it is as simple as "love."  He must fill some need she has beside that. . . 'ya think? 



ITA ...  From what I can see on these boards on the couples topics, a woman is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't! 


People get very insistent that "divorce is not an option" and the whole for better or worse thing .... and then there's the faction that says that even though you go in planning to make it work, something goes haywire and any smart woman would have the sense to leave.


Even HC got hammered when Bill C was in the White House .... some said she was stupid to stay, and some said stand by your man should count, no matter what.   You can't please everyone.


All I can say is there are many, many considerations when a woman has a crisis in her marriage ..... and we can only speculate based on what the media is reporting  ... and what we think we'd do in a similar situation.

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

He has been addicted to various things for so many years, Sharon is now an enabler and probably very co-dependent.


I would think she does a LOT of  "Ozzy caretaking", which is what partners of addicted do.


Publicity or not, she will take him back. I don't think she could bear not taking care of him.


She is definitely the family leader. Ozzie would not survive without her. She knows that. She just put him in the doghouse for a while. This is not the first time he has been given the boot. JMO.



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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

I have always thought they were perfect together

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Re: Sharon Osborne Splits With Ozzy Over His Affair With Hairdresser

@Anniecamp wrote:

I vividly remember, several years ago, when Sharon said on The Talk, how she was having an affair with Ozzy while he was married, and that she "stole" another woman's husband.  I guess what goes around comes around.  She was not ashamed or embarrassed by it.

 On The Talk last week, they were discussng some celeb cheating. She said something like no big deal, it's only s*x.


Guess she changed her mind.