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Do you have to say it TO someone,  or can you just say it aloud when you wake up?



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@Travone wrote:

Do you have to say it TO someone,  or can you just say it aloud when you wake up?



@Travone  - I live alone. I say it out loud as soon as I wake up. 

And then I text my sister, her 3 kids and 2 of my cousins and we all text it back and forth to each other in a group text.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Thank you 

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Rabbit Rabbit, yes I say it the first of every month!  

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@gidgetgh YES!


I've said "RABBIT! RABBIT!" immediately upon wakening each morning on the first day of every month since my sixth grade teacher told us about this!



Smiley Happy

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Where did rabbit rabbit come from?

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, the phrase goes back to at least 1909, when a British periodical featured a girl who said “Rabbits!” on the first day of each month for good luck.

President Roosevelt also reportedly rabbited every month without fail. In 1935, The Nottingham Evening Post wrote: “Even Mr. Roosevelt, the President of the United States, has confessed to a friend that he says ‘Rabbits’ on the first of every month—and, what is more, he would not think of omitting the utterance on any account.

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It sounds like you can say it to yourself if no one else is around.

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Like many others have said I have never heard of that !

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@PinkyPetunia wrote:

Never heard of this, have never done it.  I am not superstitious. 


Same here.

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Wow! I didn't know anyone else knew about this! I've been doing this since I was a little girl and my grandmother taught me, except we actually hopped- twice on one foot and twice on the other- while we say it, as soon as we get out of bed in the morning. I always say it to myself. Luckily, DH is usually up and gone! If he IS there I say it softly and he sleeps through it. 




 I have done it since. I don't remember my mom doing it, and DH thinks I'm crazy. My children wouldn't even do it when they were little! 

@granddi - I never knew the history. I wish I could ask my grandmother why she did it. 




IDK - I've just done it forever, even at college and overseas. If nothing else, I remember my grandmother and how she taught me when I was a little girl.   Smiley Happy