Posts: 21
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Pancreatic Neuroendicrine Tumors

I was diagnosed with this in 2010 and was told by my team of doctors not to worry and we will keep an eye on this. At that time I was also diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and they were more concerned about that. Both of these diseases involve the white blood cells.

I have now started having symptoms: upper abdominal pain that feels like heart attack pain, pain in the middle and upper back along with nausea and vomiting. I also have decreased appetite and unintentional weight loss. These are some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have researched some on line but quite a bit of the info is very technical.

I do have an appointment with a specialist on Oct 11 but would like some "regular people" info too. Any info you would share would be appreciated...