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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Large Lab - Bad back hips - anything help? (I am using HIGH DOSE Glucosamine now)

We are using Liquid Health K9 Level 5000 Glucosamine twice a day - it's about 45.00 a bottle and with 2 labs we go through it fairly quick, seems to help a little but I don't see any HUGE improvement after 2 months of use.

They still get daily short walks, the vet said the exercise is good for them even with the bad hips, want to keep them mobile.

I blame our darn hardwood floors as they grew up, sliding all over the floor, they LOVED that when they were younger but not I see them really struggle on the floor, I have UGLY runners all over my hardwoods just to make it easier on them (I remove them if company comes over...LOL)

Would love to hear if you have any suggestions, I'm willing to try anything, they are not just dogs, they are my kids Smiley Sad