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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

 Good for them , it's beautiful in Wyoming  and terrific ski country . Although  I wouldn't want  to be in the area  as that is where the Super Volcano  exists .

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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

wyoming begins with a W, that's why.  the land is probably on the west side.

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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

WOW, that's one impressive piece of property.  Not to mention the view .. just gorgeous.


Looks like a great choice, good for them.  A nice, peaceful getaway.

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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

Such wide-open, beautiful country up there would be a great place to raise kids if they are interested in keeping them away from the trashy celebrity-laden environment where they currently live. I have read that many celebrities from Hollywood have bought land in Montana, etc in order to raise their children in a cleaner and more wholesome environment. I hope this is what the Wests have in mind!
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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

Do not care.

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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

@Mz iMac wrote:

Another tax deduction will become a religious haven for his NEW RELIGION..... TAX RIGHT OFF...


He is in another Manic phase of his bi polar.....

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hipRe: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

[ Edited ]

@lovesrecess wrote:
Such wide-open, beautiful country up there would be a great place to raise kids if they are interested in keeping them away from the trashy celebrity-laden environment where they currently live. I have read that many celebrities from Hollywood have bought land in Montana, etc in order to raise their children in a cleaner and more wholesome environment. I hope this is what the Wests have in mind!

But wait... The K Clan, along with their extended membership, contribute on a regular basis to that 'trashy, celebrity-laden' Hollywood environment... Kind of a challenge to get away from themselves...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Kanye/Kim: Reportedly Buys Wyoming Ranch

Now they’ll have plenty of room for that kult they started up.