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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

Since I've been through cancer twice I think my husband is just glad for me to be here.

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎10-18-2014

Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

On 10/21/2014 minkbunny said:
On 10/21/2014 ical said:
On 10/21/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 10/21/2014 ical said:

This is an honest criticism to no one in particular and is not written in sequential order for this thread, nor for this forum, but is a commentary on the global community:

Some people are dumb. Period. No getting around that fact.

And some people are rude, critical and tactless. What's your point?

Offense as a defense is a prime example of victimhood thinking which manifests by defender's ignorance to a broader view because myopia takes hold creating a faux challenge where each word causes defender to find offense against which a defense is postured typically in an aggressive nature stimulated in the primal portion of defender's survivalist instincts located in the lower brain.

I shall read this again - and try to decode it - after my mid morning protein bar kicks in. {#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

On 10/21/2014 croemer said:

O/ depends on how something is said and the context. If my DH just are getting wrinkles. I might say: thank you... shall I say what I am noticing about your appearance lately?

LOL... as if we never saw a mirror!

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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

My husband knows to keep his opinions to himself on these matters. That's just one of the many reasons I love him so much.

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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

My husband would never say anything like that...but since I am 65 y.o., he would probably be correct if he did say it. Actually, he frequently tells me that I look 16 when I first wake up in the morning (quite the diplomat).

It isn't really a matter of a person not being able to handle the truth. It is more a matter of the other person not wanting to make himself appear like an insensitive clod.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

On 10/20/2014 hckynut said:

Said here many times my wife says I look like ""a homeless man"". Does it bother me? Nope.

John most married for a long time hubbys dress this way at home.. I always tell my DH to pull his pants up! Saggy drawers! It comes with long beautiful relationships.. you and I are fortunate!

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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

On 10/21/2014 ical said:
On 10/21/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 10/21/2014 ical said:

This is an honest criticism to no one in particular and is not written in sequential order for this thread, nor for this forum, but is a commentary on the global community:

Some people are dumb. Period. No getting around that fact.

And some people are rude, critical and tactless. What's your point?

Offense as a defense is a prime example of victimhood thinking which manifests by defender's ignorance to a broader view because myopia takes hold creating a faux challenge where each word causes defender to find offense against which a defense is postured typically in an aggressive nature stimulated in the primal portion of defender's survivalist instincts located in the lower brain.

Surely you must be joking.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

That comment would not bother me at all. I'm 56 and we've been together 11 years. I'm over being sensitive about every perceived insult.

Besides, when we first got together he said, "I can't wait to grow old with you and see your wrinkles."{#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

Mine told me a few years ago that maybe I should join Curves. I got the message and did something about it.

I never said anything to him at the time because I had gained weight and I knew it but yes, it kind of hurt, even though he said it in really the kindest possible way out of concern.

In retrospect, he did me a favor as I have come a long way since then, even doing two half marathons.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: If your husband or S.O said this to you would it upset you?

We're all aging, every day. Some do what we can to soften the blow, so to speak, but there's no getting away from the fact that no one continues to look years younger.

If my husband said that, I'd probably ask him when he had turned into a horse's you know what. Luckily, I have a very polite guy, and I've never commented on his aging, either. Why would we? It's a natural process and I'm lucky we're still around and functional, LOL.

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