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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I see this every time I go to the store. It surprises me that some women are so naive about how quickly they can become a victim. 

If I'm unloading groceries, sometimes I'll put my purse on the floor on the passenger side of the car and lock the doors. 

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

It was nice to give the lady a reminder. I have to carry a few things due to my medical issues but my purse is always near me. The police say in my town, as it is in many others,  grocery store parking lots are currently the #1 targets for theft, robberies, and carjacking. We all could use a reminder sometimes. BTW, DH had his brand new iPhone stolen from the seat in the Home Depot shopping cart as he was loading some stuff into his it isn't just the ladies who need to be vigilant.


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Re: I went to the grocery store today

Bless you! Our Walmart's have strapes on the cart that you can use to secure your purse in the top shelf of the cart. They help. But, unfortunately, I am one of the worst offenders that leave their purse exposed, but I do make sure to zip it so no one can reach in and grab my wallet.  

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I frequently see woman put their handbags in the cart while shopping whether it's at Target, grocery store, etc.  Their handbag is in the cart and they step away to grab something.  If it grabs my attention, I'm sure it grabs a thiefs attention.  Many times it's one of those Louis Vuitton bags that cost a lot of money.  I too always carry a crossbody that way I'm hands free and it's with me at all times.

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I think so many people don't want to get involved or pay attention to others.  I give you credit for doing what you did.  You possibly saved this woman a lot of grief!  Hopefully, you opened her eyes as to what could happen.  It only takes a second and even the most careful of us can get ripped off very quickly.  Maybe she will take your advice and start carrying a smaller bag with less items when she goes out, one which she can have on her person, so that she is not such an easy target.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I see women leaving their purses in the cart all the time! 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: I went to the grocery store today

That was very nice of you to inform that woman to be vigilent.  Yes unfortunately she is a prime target for theft.


I don't understand why so many women carry large purses full of "stuff" they likely don't need on a daily basis every where they go.  I carry a small cross body most of the time only keeping my wallet, phone, keys and gum.  Even when I had young kids I never carried a diaper bag with me.  I kept a diaper, wipes in a sandwich bag and a plastic bag in my purse in case an emergency came up.  


My mother in law would carry a large shopping style handbag barely hanging off her elbow when she went shopping.  She carried a lot of cash with her.  She had someone come up to her in a McDonald's parking lot asking for a ride (my guess to rob her) down the street.  Sadly my elderly mother in law who was suffering from the beginning stages of dementia thought she was doing a good deed and gave the woman a ride and a few dollars.  We all freaked out when she told us.  She is lucky that woman didn't run away with her purse or worse.  It was a scary situation that my mother in law could not understand.  Now if we bring it up she laughs it off still years later trying to brush off many of the scary situations she put herself in(denial) prior to getting the dementia diagnosis.

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Re: I went to the grocery store tod

On the rare occasion that I go to the store , I don't take a thing with me.

No pocketbook nothing but my ATM card in my pocket. If you get stopped for speeding, 

the cop can know if you have a license before you find it. If I am going somewhere besides the market, I throw in a credit card....


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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I'm glad you said something!  I don't own a cross body bag so I put mine in the seat of the cart and strap it n.  I still keep my hands on the straps AND the cart handle and keep my eye on it if I need to grab something that takes both hands off the cart handle.  


I took Friday off and ran some errands. Before heading home, I stopped at WM for a few items.  I walked in and an employee gave me a cart as she was putting some away.  I went on into WM and noticed both straps had been cut.  I had to put it on my shoulder but it kept sliding off to my arm.  Luckily, I only had a few things to pick up or I would have gone back out to the entrance area and exchanged the cart.  

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: I went to the grocery store today




You beat me to it...the parking lot and loading groceries into the car ..


Very vulnerable spot..outdoors where they can run away or to a waiting car just watching for the opportunity...heck...even the GROCERIES might be the target. My plan is: TAKE IT.


Of course ...for me?


They can take my purse if they want it....Like some others here, I carry my ONE card on my person..... they will get wadded up clean tissues, a comb, my list...and that double ziploc bag full of stuff from the cat pan!!!! (kidding of course...I THINK!!!)


Besides......I always consider it a great grocery shopping day if I make it out of the store without being executed in aisle 6 while buying a loaf of bread.