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I went to the grocery store today

and as I walked into the store and headed to the cart section I noticed a lady reaching into a tall cold fruit cabinet and her back was turned away from her grocery cart and her purse was sitting in the cart. I thought to myself  that she was taking a risk by leaving her purse where anyone could just walk into the store, see her not paying attention then grabbing her purse and running right back out of the store since she was so close to the entrance. 

I didn't say anything, walked on past her but as I got to another veggie storage cabinet down the isle, I turned to my right and there she was about to reach into another cabinet so I decided to say something. I advised her that I saw her when I walked in and noticed her purse in the cart. I told her I was not trying to get into her business or offend her but I just wanted her to be vigilant and keep one eye on her handbag at all times so someone doesn't grab it from her cart. She then thanked me for being concerned and that she was not offended by me speaking up about it. She noted that she had so much in her handbag that it was heavy so she put it in the cart. I showed her my crossbody and told her I only carry my minimal necessities when going to the store. She again thanked me several times and kept saying she was not offended. She appeared to be in her late 70's or early 80's about 110# and probably about 4'9 so she was a prime target IMO. She thanked me again, said God Bless and we moved on. Just a reminder to us all, stay vigilant and don't be an easy target !  

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

God bless you, you did the right thing.  My sister was robbed this way years ago.  She was young, able bodied.  Reached down for a box of diapers, turned around, it was gone.

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Re: I went to the grocery store today


You did a good thing.  I've done the same, with varying results.  Enough negative responses that I honestly hesitate to do it again.  Glad that the lady you approached was appreciative.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: I went to the grocery store today

@Goodie2shoes   I've mentioned purses in carts often to people. I use a smaller cross body bag also. If I have to take a heavier purse I use the child's strap to keep it in the cart. I watch it and don't let the cart out of my sight since someone could unzip it. 
   I don't like open type purses anymore. I have many but they aren't as secure. I also keep my credit cards separate in an inside zipper and leave one at home in case it's lost.

   Recently in a ladies restroom a lady left her wallet in a stall on top of the toilet paper enclosure. I spotted it and asked her if she lost a wallet. She was washing her hands and was so relieved that i saw it. She got it immediately and kept thanking me, saying she didn't want to bring a large purse. I told her about the small cross body bags. 
   We can't be too safe!

          🛒  👛🎒👀

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

That was a nice thing to do. I never will understand why women take so much with them just to go to the store. 

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

@Goodie2shoes Many years ago I did something almost exactly like this. In So. Cal. there had been a rash of purses stolen from grocery carts.


I very nicely mentioned this to a lady who was halfway down the aisle from her purse and cart. She told me to mind my own effing business. I just stayed calm and said  "ok but if your purse gets stolen remember this chat." I just chalk it up to ignorance.


I've since done it a few times with excellent results. I sometimes wonder if her purse ever got stolen!

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

[ Edited ]

Good job!


I normally carry a crossbody purse so I can wear it comfortably while shopping. There are times, though, when I put my purse in the baby/child seat area of the shopping cart.  If I do, I secure it with the safety belts.  Then I'll put my jacket over it, if I have one. 

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

Another is setting your purse next to you in a restaurant or across the back of your chair.  A friend had hers next to her and as some young man casually walked by he grabbed it and ran out the door.



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Re: I went to the grocery store today

I always put my metal credit card case in my pocket when I go into a store.

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Re: I went to the grocery store today

My mom used to do the same thing - purse in the cart and not a care in the world.


Until someone grabbed her wallet out of her purse.  A horrible way to learn a lesson, but she never did it again.  


I cringe whenever I see the purse in the cart, especially with an older woman.


When I'm in a store, I carry a crossbody wallet.  Throw it in my purse when I get back in my car.