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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

I have to agree with you.  I would never let my animal out without my protection because I love him, he's my baby.  I feel so sorry when pets get away from owners

 I really don't have much sympathy for  owners who don't take care of their pet, bless it!




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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

We have several stray cats that roam our neighborhood.  2 I know belong to the people across the street but they just let them go wherever they want.  Sometimes that means in my backyard, up onto my deck which drives me dog nuts.  And it makes me nuts that they allow these cats to go anywhere. 


Unfortunately, I've had cats give birth to a litter of kittens in a woodpile in my backyard.  They are adorable to look at but a real hassle with my dog. 

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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

@CelticCrafter wrote:

We have a crazy cat lady in the neighborhood that feeds the strays and those that are allowed out to roam.


My cat is indoor only and if any of them happen to sashay across the lawn or the driveway mine will go BSC to the point that I cannot open the front windows anymore.  She must be able to smell them invading her territory.


One day one of the strays flung themself into the storm door, sending mine into a frenzy - she found me two rooms away and went ballistic - scratched me and it got infected...  


If there were a way for me to trap them and take them over to the shelter I would.


Is your cat neutered?  

That behavior from both cats are indications of un-neutered animals.

(i.e. Why the outside cat wanted inside so badly)

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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

@CelticCrafter wrote:

We have a crazy cat lady in the neighborhood that feeds the strays and those that are allowed out to roam.


My cat is indoor only and if any of them happen to sashay across the lawn or the driveway mine will go BSC to the point that I cannot open the front windows anymore.  She must be able to smell them invading her territory.


One day one of the strays flung themself into the storm door, sending mine into a frenzy - she found me two rooms away and went ballistic - scratched me and it got infected...  


If there were a way for me to trap them and take them over to the shelter I would.

@CelticCrafter - I had a similar problem with my indoor cats.  They have these plug-ins that are like those room fresheners, but they emit a calming scent.  Might be worth a try for you.


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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

There is a place in Hades for anyone who does not take proper care of a defenseless animal. I feel terrible for the animal running loose but abhor such owners. We have rescued many cats because they run loose and breed. Life is so hard -- and short -- for them. We trap them, get their shots, have them neutered, and work very hard to find homes. It's bad enough to let animals run but many such animal owners do not get them neutered. What are such people thinking? 

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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

No you are not a cold-hearted witch your neighbors are inconsiderate like ours.

Our next door neighbor would let his dog out & she would poo in our front yard so we asked him to pooper scoop it & he said no. I got tired of it so I pooper scooped it & put it on his front porch so when he opened his storm door it would have poo all over it & he would have to clean it up. LOL!!! That was the end of his dog in our yard otherwise he would have had poo on his front porch every day.


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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...



I think Buck-i-Nana is talking about the Feliway products which you can get from Petsmart...

Screen Shot 2016-10-06 at Thu, Oct 6, 2016-2.20.58 PM.png

This product is a Godsend for me.  I have the "scars" to prove it.  Stuff really works.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

I never let our dogs roam. They were little couch potatoes, and were content not to roam


I would bear this in mind when I got a pet. If you don't want to excercise your dog, buy a kind that doesn't want /need it. Don't let them run the neighborhood

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Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

@Mz iMac wrote:

"I am obviously a cold-hearted witch..."

because I find it very difficult to feel bad for those who do not leave during MANDATORY evacuations especially if they are injured or found dead after a catastrophic moment.

And how about the rescue workers who risk their lives to help people who didn't heed the mandatory evacuations........

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I am obviously a cold-hearted witch...

I have two little dogs.  I actually had my patio enclosed and added a small wooden fence.  They can go outside safely and I don't have to worry or so I thought.  One day someone opened the fence and my two little KIDS started up the street together. I saw they were missing and caught the tail end of their stroll.  I did call them back and did get them home safely.  But they decided to pick up the pace and I had to run full out.  

It was not my fault and I am grateful for their return.


My daughters dog escapes from the her house.  He was a dog she rescued from a kill shelter.  Everytime the door opens he tries to escape  Last time I visited I had to chase him. Thanks to the FED EX guy we got him back.  It is only a matter of time before he leaves or at least gives her worry for not being where he should be.  If she leaves him alone he actually eats through doors meant to hold him in.  I am not sure her kindness and compassion is being returned.