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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

[ Edited ]

@VegasBusinessWoman wrote:

Just an observation from an old lady who has been around the block and seen more than most:  People born into privilege tend to downplay that "head start" in life and attribute their success to their own "hard work."  I say this as a person who was not born into money, social status or anything other than motivation.  I watched the people who had a leg up (or two) around me as I  sought out advanced education and learned how to move up.  I was lucky enough to find mentors who helped me succeed.  That's how I managed to do well; I got help to make up for the lack of being born into the benefits that contribute to the likelihood of success.


Rather than patting myself on the back for my hard work, I'm thankful to all the people who saw my motivation and preparation and lent me a hand.  It might not have happened without them.




Mine was not inherited either. My parents were as poor as dirt. I had an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the computer age.  I learned DOS on my own, reading manuals and talking to techs all over the country.  I taught  myself because I was determined to be successful getting the firm I worked for out of the stone age and they relied on me.


I retired as manager of the computer department with two servers and 36 workstations.  They are still using my databases.  That was in 2004, fifteen years ago.


Yes, I am bragging.





Formerly Ford1224
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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

I don't know. I only know I am where I am supposed to be. Faith comes into my life ,and it is my  compass. . It has served me well. I can only speak of my own experiences

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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

I'm not a person who believes in luck or "by chance" so I would have to say luck has nothing to do with success.

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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

Luck, preparation, direction, perserverance, and taking advantage of opportunties when they pop up. Even if opportunities don't pop up, or you miss them because you weren't prepared, you can still get pretty far on determination alone--provided luck is with you. If luck is against you, no matter whay you do, everything you worked for can disappear in a flash. Okay now I just scared myself! lol

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

I don’t think I’ve ever been told I’m lucky (except when I win something) but I have been told on numerous occasions that I am blessed. 

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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?


You might be interested in reading "The Tipping Point".

It falls in line with your question about luck/success...



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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

@ILTH wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:


I agree.  I had to fight like hell to get where I ended up in the workplace . . . 40 years!!  That didn’t make me very popular some of the time . . . But I am now 81 and still supporting myself!



Aren't you kind of supporting the luck does lead to success side?


People who are lucky don't have to work like hell to get where they ended up.  Less effort, more luck.


Nothing beats knowing the right people. Of course, cozying up to these people can be a lot of effort. But, the payoff is big. 

I never “cozied up” to anyone, ever.  I was never an AK. I never had to be, because they had no interest in what I was doing or learning how to do it themselves. They gave me complete free rein, which was fine with me. When the program was ready, I showed them what number to put in what box.  That was it.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

Successful people are hard working people who love to learn. They rely on their own determination, persistence, and never give up attitude to reach their goals. If something doesn’t work out for them they go to plan b, plan c, plan d....until something finally does work out. Because successful people know that life isn’t fair, and have accepted that, they pick themselves up when their dreams are trampled on and try again and again. Successful people have bad things happen to them, but never go around whining about how unfair life is, complaining about every little thing. They are too busy trying to make a better life for themselves and those around them, to have time to whine and protest about every little thing. Successful people are grateful and thankful for what they do have, and not focused on what they don’t have. Yes, I do believe successful people make their own luck with their hard work, optimistic and determined attitude, never considering themselves victims, but as winners as they overcome each obstacle along the way.

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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

@LilacTree wrote:

@ILTH wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:


I agree.  I had to fight like hell to get where I ended up in the workplace . . . 40 years!!  That didn’t make me very popular some of the time . . . But I am now 81 and still supporting myself!



Aren't you kind of supporting the luck does lead to success side?


People who are lucky don't have to work like hell to get where they ended up.  Less effort, more luck.


Nothing beats knowing the right people. Of course, cozying up to these people can be a lot of effort. But, the payoff is big. 

I never “cozied up” to anyone, ever.  I was never an AK. I never had to be, because they had no interest in what I was doing or learning how to do it themselves. They gave me complete free rein, which was fine with me. When the program was ready, I showed them what number to put in what box.  That was it.

Right. So, what's your point? I said luck and cozying up make it easier. Both those things mean you don't have to work like hell, as you put it, to succeed. 


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Re: How much does luck have to do with success?

I do not believe in luck or coincidence.


I choose to believe in Divine Favor.