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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

May we never forget!

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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

Thank you for posting a reminder of this very important and solemn day in our history.  DD took a business college class trip to Germany 10 years ago and visited Dachau while she was there. She said it was a very quiet bus trip back to the airport. I asked her to tell me about the visit there and she said there were no words. We must never forget.

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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

I have watched many documentaries about the Holocaust and the evilness what happened there is beyond words.

If you get a chance to watch an eye opening movie, see The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas.

I pray this never happens again.
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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

I have read much about The Holocaust,  but this documentary revealed things that I had never heard.  Horrific, powerful, and recommended viewing:







Some powerful and hard truths in this documentary. Many things relevant to current events. Ken Burns never disappoints.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎10-19-2010

Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

40 years ago I worked for a GP.  One of the patients had a deformed arm.  I asked him about it and he said that as a child he was in a concentratlion camp and they preformed experiments on his arm.

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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

[ Edited ]


Other great reads, are several books by "Corrie Ten Boom" (1892–1983) such as "The Hiding Place."


  She & her Christian family lived in the Netherlands, & just like the vulgar, deadly capture of Jews, Corrie & her family, in no way, escaped these deadly Concentration Camps themselves. 

   She & her family collected rations for, & were hiding, & accommodating several Jews, as well as being an integral part of an "Jewish escape underground." 

   As a result, yes, she & her family members were eventually sent to Concentration camps themselves, so severe that Corrie's beloved family members also died in these Concentration Camps. Even after this, she refused to stop believing & helping.


Great read. (altho with a box of Kleenex)  I read these/her books perhaps 15-20+ yrs ago; Some, I dont even see printed on Amz any more, by, or abt Corrie Ten Boom.


At the end of her life, book, "5 Silent Years," Corrie could not speak. 

   Yet, even then, she was continually recognized & blessed for her cont'd, persistent life long work.  She was cared for, admired, & frequently visited by many, many ppl, who even among themselves, wanted to gather, appreciate, honor & mutually share Corrie's forever, continued, determined courage, & work.  Even during her "silent," deteriorating last presence.





    I fell upon a Virtual Tour of Corrie & her Family's (then) home in the Netherlands, found at  ( VirtualTour dot CorrieTenBoom dot com) which has been turned into a museum. 

    (I can see where in Corrie's actual bedroom, they broke thru the wall & addt'ly displayed the incredibly small space harbouring Jews before ushered to hopeful safety.  

     Once at this Virtual Tour, just "click on the upper left hand Icon," for a drop down menu of *view all the way around each room" & (outside of the house).  (I dont see how they could have found anybody!)

   Also, you can click on the "i" pictures in each room for the (many pics of this miserable, deadly time). 

   I cant imagine where they possibly harbored so many Jews, but also, apparently Corrie was active in the "Underground" also, so maybe keep moving ppl out fast?

  It's said that Corrie Ten Boom saved at least 800 Jews.  But she wasnt able to save her own family, incl her Dad & sister, from their own deaths in said Concentration Camps, for harboring Jews.




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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

We did watch the three-part documentary on the Holocaust produced by Ken Burns.  It was the usual excellent job he is famous for.  


It is appalling and sickening, but makes a person even more alert to any sign of antisemetic behavior today.  




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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

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We have been having an increase in what I call "antisemitic creep" in the DC Metro Area over the past five years.  Once again, I have to say that I never thought I'd see this sort of thing with such frequency, nearby.


Both Montgomery County, Md., and Loudoun County, Va., seem to have periodic outbreaks of antisemitism.  Only last week there were several offensive acts in Loudoun County and, in particular, Leesburg.  Several of the instances of graffiti were found on school property.  


I am saddened to have this happen not too far from my home.  A few years back, antisemitic leaflets were anonymously dropped off at homes in and around Leesburg.  Hard to believe.

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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

@golding76   I pray that we all remember.  Alas, many of the conditions that were precursors to the Holocaust are present today and have crept into our lives more and more.  

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Re: Honoring "Int'l Holocaust Rememberance Day"(Jan 27)

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@golding76   @Zernia Rose 


Antifa  have mobilized all over the country to cause chaos and  hate

Have you checked as to what the schools are teaching or Not teaching abt the Holocaust