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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Help! My Electric Clothes Dryer Died

Last night my electric dryer just up and died. It's from 2001 so I guess it was time.

I spent two hours last night online, trying to find a good replacement without breaking the bank.

The one I thought I would choose was the Maytag MEDC300XW. There was a consumer website (not a Maytag website) that praised it to the heavens for its price, its features, and everything else about it, but then on another consumer website, several people complained that the clothes don't completely dry on one cycle. So, that kind of turned me off to it.

I'm getting more and more confused the longer I look.

You ladies always have such good advice. Can anyone help? Mr Sunny left it all to me {#emotions_dlg.confused1}



"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett