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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

[ Edited ]

I absolutely have to see Hidden Figures.


We did like Fantastic Beasts. But I have to say, 3 of my favorite movies this past year were:  The Secret Lives of Pets, Zootopia, and Moana.  Must say something about me.  LOL!! 


Edited because I did the same thing and I know the title of the movie is Hidden Figures.  *slap upside the head*  geez!

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

@esmeraldagooch wrote:

@ritasNo1Fan wrote:

I love ALLIED starring Brad P. and Marianne Cottiard.  Beautiful film, well done.  AND IT BOMBED!  I was  alone in the theater.  

I wanted to see it but after the publicity about him and the filming decided against it.

ALLIED is similar to the 1940s WW2 espionage movies.  Love scenes are not as explicit as almost all the current stuff.  Brad's acting style was different than his usually schtick.  To tell you the truth, I was completely "immersed" in the story to think about what was happening out here in the cold cruel world.  My kind of story.....

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

[ Edited ]

DH & I saw La La Land and neither one of us liked it much (and we both love musicals) – in fact most of the people in the theater said they were disappointed.  Not sure if there was too much hype and we had over expectations or if it is just geared for a different audience.  It felt hokey right from the opening scene where the traffic is at a standstill and suddenly all these cars on the overpass empty and the people inside (all 20s to 30s) jump out and burst into song & dance in unison together.  It was like a bad episode of Glee.  We found it hard to tell throughout the movie whether they were in the “now”, or in their wishful imagination of the future, or remembering their recent past.  We didn’t feel much romantic chemistry between the leads and they seemed to be more focused on hitting their dancing pose/mark rather than connecting with each other.  When they took flight in those harnesses to look like they were dancing in fake stars, it was shades of old time Peter Pan. Neither was a particularly good dancer or singer for a musical movie.   It was a long 2+ hours for us and we nearly walked out.


Manchester by the Sea was not only extremely depressing, but every other word was F***.    I am not opposed to a swear word where it fits, but to have it come up in nearly every sentence is both ridiculous and boring.  I don’t really care for Casey Affleck , but I do think that Casey Affleck did an excellent job acting in this movie.  

The young man was good and he reminded me of a younger Prince Harry.  


We both got a kick out of Florence Foster Jenkins.  She sings exactly like I do!  It was fun knowing that Meryl Streep can really sing, but was able to find that horrible voice within herself and belt it out with such passion. 


It is interesting, but good, that there is such a variety of opinions about the same experience.  The world is a better place with lots of variety and differences. 

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

I haven't been in a movie theater in at least 20 years.


My son has something-forgot the name but he can see new movies. The last won he really lilked was Fences with Denzel Washington.

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

I can't recall all the movies I saw last year.. I know I saw a few good ones and a lot of not good ones.


The movie at the top of my "must see" list is La La Land. It finally came to theaters near me on Friday so I'll be seeing it soon.

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?


I do not "go" to movies, I watch them at home. Best newer ones I watched this year.


1) 13 Hours


2) American Sniper






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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

Hidden Figures-saw it today and I highly recommend it. So great to see a movie about real achievements of women. I loved it.

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

Silence by Martin Scorscese. As a history teacher (ret.) it is based on the Edo Period and closure of Japan bythe Tokagawa Shogunate in 1640 (approx).


I find Japanese history absolutely fscinating and there is a philosophical component to the movie regarding faith in the face of unsurmountable persecution.

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

@maestra  was it really bloody? I know the Jesuits were treated  inhumanely. I want to see it, but I have trouble watching torture

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Re: Going to movies? Best movie?

[ Edited ]

 @cherry   I read the book and the torture certainly isnt easy to watch.

The Japanese' preferred method of execution, especially for Chrsitians, was crucifixion. They saw irony in that.