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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Here, they start back on Thursday.  Not sure about the County or the neighboring city.  They don't always follow the exact same schedules, but are pretty close.  

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Some school districts here in Arizona went back to school two weeks ago. 

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

In some parts of Arizona school started 2 weeks ago when it was still 118 degrees. Some started last week. I don't know when the rest start. 

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

August 23rd.

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Kids here in my town (Maine) start school on Aug. 29th. That is relatively new. Used to start after Labor Day. The have to go 180 days in school.
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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Here in MD, anywhere from end of Aug to day after Labor Day. 

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

@LyndaGee wrote:

Wow, it does seem  their summer vacation just began a few weeks ago.  Hated those "Back to School" commercials  when I was a kid, which began airing shortly after July 4. I wanted to enjoy my time off.



I hated them to saying "Back to work!".  I taught in a hateful department.  Then I became department head!

My juniors and seniors are now on my FB.

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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Most of the schools in my area start school on August 28.  It used to be school didn't start until after Labor Day.


I have two Granddaughters going away to college in a few days and one grandson starting high school this year.  

Time flys by so fast.  I can't hardly keep up with by grandkids schedules.



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Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

Personally, I think they should go to school pretty much all year around, with a few breaks in betwee. Maybe they'd retain more of what they learned the year prior. 

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: First day of school TOMORROW in my area

In my area, kids go back on August 17th,