Super Contributor
Posts: 337
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

If you have gotten this far, I thank you! Smile

I have a young cat (she is not quite 2 years old) that is small in frame but overweight. I think because she is chubby, she cannot reach to properly groom herself. I noticed she gets pieces of fecal matter stuck around THAT area under her tail. Sometimes it is more so than others (that is, sometimes just a little bit of brown flakes other times bigger brown chunks).

I try to help her clean the area but she wails like a banshee. Today was a day that was particularly bad...lots of fecal matter and the area looked kind of red. I noticed if I rubbed she was very upset so I just held a very wet, warm paper towel there and she seemed better about it.

I am going to call the vet on Monday because of the redness. Any other advice for removing the matter?