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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

I miss all the privately owned book and music stores that were in business for many many generations but were closed due to Barnes and Noble and borders. In them you could find treasures, rare books and music that could not be found in the big stores.

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

On 3/1/2014 JaneMarple said:

I miss all the privately owned book and music stores that were in business for many many generations but were closed due to Barnes and Noble and borders. In them you could find treasures, rare books and music that could not be found in the big stores.

A point well taken, Jane. The fishes keep getting bigger...

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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

And I'm sure a lot of people were sad when the horseless carriage was invented and buggy whip factories closed up.

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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

On 3/1/2014 esmeraldagooch said:

The magazines have done themselves in. I used to buy many but the tone and leanings of them are not what I believe and I won't waste my money or time on them any longer. I have gotten numerous ad to receive them for FREE but I don't want them. Change your tone and values and I may change my mind. Until then I will buy the ones who do.

Which magazines?

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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

On 3/1/2014 onewhiteSparrow said:

I stopped reading the News papers long ago. I saw over and over how they slanted the facts of what happened in our town and in other towns. Several times I was at different locations and I saw for myself what really happened. When they "reported the News" I saw too many times they down right slanted the information.

They stopped Reporting The Facts. They dirtied their own business of the written word. People have long stopped respecting the News, and written word. It is a guessing game who is telling the truth and who is making up the news.

Good Post. I agree. Even the so-called news on the television is so over sensationalized that it's obvious they are spinning a yarn.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

How did a thread concerning book and magazine store closings turn into anti news outlets?

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

{} Hi Sparrow. Are you enjoying the unusual weather we are having? The printed word in the news and the news on television is slanted to get people 'up in arms'. I see it that way. I can understand that folks don't want to read anymore garbage or doom and gloom. If they put aside buying the newspaper and magazines, the business is bound to go belly up.

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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

Progress is an on going thing, or we wouldn't even be communicating with one another now. If you look back through history, technology has always changed things for the American worker, starting with automated manufacturing. Usually, one type of job is replaced with another kind. The major newspapers of the country are experiencing transitions as did the telephone companies of yesteryear where manual operators were replaced by automated systems, and so on. We have lost the old mainstays, the department stores, once a part of Americana, and some day we will be looking at the technology used today as antiquated. My dad was one of the original air traffic controllers, where all the responsibility was left to human ability to guide a blip on a scope down from the skies safely and keep track of all blips on the screen at once. The controller virtually had the lives on the planes in his or her hands. Now it's all computerized, and a new kind of training is required. Life goes on because the only thing that's permanent is change, whether we like it or not.

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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

On 3/1/2014 onewhiteSparrow said:
On 3/1/2014 JaneMarple said:

How did a thread concerning book and magazine store closings turn into anti news outlets?

The topic is about another News stand in D.C closing its doors.

I know what the topic is!!!!! The posts after following the OP were about various other stores closing because their were several readers who missed patronizing them because they enjoyed reading various publications from around the world! Post #5 changed the true meaning of the thread!

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Fears Realized: Another Store Bites the Dust, a Victim of Technology

Jane Marple - the OP wrote about 'the written word'. I magazines there are written articles and the poster was offering forth her Viewpoint on another avenue of the written word. The issue is just about everywhere there is print. One small thought leads to many takes on this forum.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust