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I've had a FB page for many years.  I use it only to post family photos from the past and present.  My large extended family does not live close by, so they enjoy seeing our photos, as I enjoy seeing theirs.  The only conversations that take place usually are about those photos.


We exchange birthday wishes, and plans to visit.  That's about it.  I have about 15 "friends" who are mostly family and several friends. 


I also never filled in my personal information, as those folks mentioned above already know all that.  I block most incoming posts, as I would rather go to their pages when I have the time.


I don't like a lot of things about FB, mostly their almost total lack of tech help and other questions.


Oh, I also block all ads on all of my Internet sites, which includes FB.

Formerly Ford1224
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I think you should stay off   It's really not for you.  

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It could be that your friend is the one that over thought the situation about sending your husband a friend request so she brought it up since it's too late to ask. *Not that she should have to*, but maybe she thought some women wouldn't like it or really not like it if they didn't say anything about friending a husband and kept quiet. 


I don't think you are over thinking it because it was strange and she must have snooped some to be interested. @happycat I am not intending to call people liars, but not many married women would not think anything of it, if she's out there looking for a man.



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Some people feel "popular' the more people they find to 'friend' on Facebook.

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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@VaBelle35 wrote:

Many of the married couples I know have one FB account that they share with both of their names and they sign their posts/comments with their initials so you know who is speaking.

That may be one way to avoid a lot of issues.

I see this as well and that is the oddest thing to me.  It just gives me a vibe of a non-trusting relationship. 

In the people I am friends with, it's more that one spouse is on the laptop more and they only have one laptop.  One other couple it was because they hated having to log in and out all the time for their accounts.


Nothing mistrustful, just more logistical.

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