Super Contributor
Posts: 303
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Ever hear of this time schedule for a wedding?

My niece is getting married next weekend at 1:00 in the afternoon. After the ceremony the couple, attendants and their (fun) friends are going to ride around the county honking their horns and then take a long boat ride on a lake.

The guests can either hang around the site of the wedding and wait for the 5:00 or so (depends on when they show up) meal or go off by themselves.

We would need to drive 2 plus hours to this wedding and I'm the transportation for my elderly parents, her grandparents. There are grandparents on the other side of the family attending too. My mother is upset about the situation and might not want to go.

We could just go to the ceremony, but 4-5 hours of drive time for that seems silly. We could just go to the reception, but we're not sure what time that would start. Parking is an issue too at the location. There isn't enough for all invited. Well, that's thoughtful.

I think skipping this event all together is what I am inclined to do since the bride and groom don't seem to care much about their guests but want their friends to all have a blast at their wedding.