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Done with Christmas wrapping

[ Edited ]

So excited, my wrapping is completed. Received last online order awhile ago. Have everything ready in the guest room. Putting up tree on Black Friday and will place gifts. It’s a first for me to finish this early. Note, the gift bags with a sleeping puppy are gifts from Khloe and Oreo to their pup cousins.



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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

I haven't even thought about it yet.

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

It is always nice when you are done ahead of time and then can just enjoy the holidays. The packages for the pups are really cute!!

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

Congrats!!  My last gift for my grandchildren came in yesterday.  I have shipping boxes full ready to be wrapped now, just need to get motivated.

I like your Christmas tree too!!!!

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

Nicely done.  I'll be wrapping with Kahlua and cream under the tree and doing designer bows which are a fun way for me to create.  Smiley Happy


We will likely have to baracade the tree from Shadow, our two year old American Bulldog luv pup.

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

@qvcfreak  Very nice 👍 I really like the bags with the sleeping puppies 🤗

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

I need to get started because I want to mail the Christmas boxes the Mon or Tues before Thanksgiving because of the problems the post office is currently having.  


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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

@qvcfreak  I LOVE your display of "love", and the puppy bags are ADORABLE! This festive photo made me happy.😁



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

@qvcfreak : Wonderful. Beautiful gift wrapping. Please come help me. I have 5 gift cards to purchase and will be finished.  Last on line order made on Sunday and EDD of 11/17.

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Re: Done with Christmas wrapping

Congrats!  I'm almost finished with my shopping and will start the whole decorating & wrapping process Thanksgiving evening or the next day.  The puppy bags are so darn cute!!!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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