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Re: Does anyone still ""decorate"" graves this time of year?

My husband and I spent yesterday morning placing flags on the graves at our local National Cemetery along with Boy and Girl Scouts, Navy JROTC cadets, and other community members. Very solemn. There were some families that brought flowers and other items for their loved ones as well.

We have graves and memorials that go back as far as the Civil War, and the families still come to pay respect and leave flowers and flags.

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Re: Does anyone still ""decorate"" graves this time of year?

I would do it if I lived closer to where my loved ones are buried. My mother regularly visited her mother's grave all her life. She usually left a floral tribute but often just communed with her spirit.

When I go to Washington, I leave what is permitted at Arlington cemetery (I think bouquets but not plantings?) at two graves, a dear friend of my teen years who was only 19 when he died in Vietnam, a few days after he arrived there, and writer I never met whom I admire a lot who was a hero in WW 2 and Korea.

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Re: Does anyone still ""decorate"" graves this time of year?

On 5/24/2014 september said: How many of us live close enough to do this? I don't.

I don't either anymore. But always planted flowers when I lived back home.

The vets would place flags on any grave that listed a military service on either the headstone or the flat gov't markers.

I planted blue and white petunias for my son and interspersed red poppies for my dad (they are together) because he always bought one of those plastic poppies for me on the way to the Memorial Day parade.

Now a family member takes care of things for me. Last time I was there things looked very pretty.