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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

I remember my Grandma (Dad's mother) singing a Czech song and doing a dance with me as we both sang along.  I must have been about 4 years old.  Cat Happy

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

MY Dad's parents always took us to buy a pumpkin. We each got our own. They took us back to our parents hom,e and supervised  us while we carved it. My grandpa told us how to dry pumpkin seeds and eat them

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

Going to Mam-Ma's and Papa's in the mid sixties I was always given a .10 cent can of biscuits to "bake" with on the red wood picnic table while Mam-Ma cooked our real dinner in peace.  Papa was so good to me and I would bake and bake him many things with that dough.  Like most children one day when the dough was nothing but solid red from the table I asked him if he now wanted to eat his biscuits?  Mam-ma looked out the kitchen window just in time to see them going into his mouth and screamed for him to Stop, do not eat that.  He put it down but she told me years later after he passed she thinks he may have had my cooking many times out there before she saw him.  He told her how can I not try her cooking for me when she asked?  We so loved going to Mam-Ma's and Papa's more than being with Mommy and Daddy. 

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

[ Edited ]

This memory isn't all that nice, but it was written up in the newspaper.   ( November 1945)

My grandfather said the "smoke rings" thing didn't happen.


I copied this from the archives of our newspaper. Hope you can read it. You'll probably have to enlarge  the font to read it.

@minkbunny   I read your post where you said that your husband had an amputation of his leg. Thought you and him might like to read this newspaper article about my grandfather. Sure glad medicine has improved over the years. ( you'll have to enlarge the font)



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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

We lived in a two-family house - I grew up with my maternal grandparents (and aunts and uncles) right upstairs.   There were still two uncles and an aunt living at home - total of 5 people upstairs.  My famly was six ... so 11 people in the house.   Great memories - always something going on.  


Our house was the gathering place for all the holidays as long as my grand parents were alive.  In the mid-1960s, the local hospital bought up all the houses in the area to expand, and the family "split up."  After my grandparents died, my parents house was the gathering place.   


My paternal grandparents died before I was born.  If both sets of grandparents were till alive today:


My maternal grandmother and grandfather would be 121 and 127 years old.

My paternal grandmother and grandfather would be 133 and 138 years old.

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

They visited me when I had my tonsils out.  Since they lived in Northern New Jersey and were not in the best of health and we were living in CT, it was quite a surprise.  They brought me a Cabbage Patch coin bank, which I still have.

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

Oh gosh Yes! My mom's parents lived around the block from us, so I saw them all the time, and my friends and I growing up would ride our bikes around the block and always stop at my Nana's house for cookies and lemonade....They also went on family vacations with us every summer, and they were so fun and so sweet, I was super close with my grandmother, she was my best friend! With my dad's parents, we were close to them as well, they lived across town from us-a 10 minute drive, so we saw them every Sunday! My grandmother loved to cook and was such a good cook, we would sometimes eat over there on Sundays, and then go home and eat what my mom cooked as well, but much later...I have such good memories of my grandparents and feel so blessed to have known them so well, I was 40 years old when my last grandparent passed away...... 

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

[ Edited ]

I have many fabulous memories of my Mother's entire family - grandparents, great grandparents and great aunts & Uncles. 

I remember my father's Mother but nothing about her is a good memory. She had a horrible life after my grandfather died very young. She then married an alcoholic and in the end it turned her bitter and mean. She lived with us at the end and treated my mom very badly. However, she was from Ireland and had a lot of stories about the wee people and other fantasy things she would tell us. Maybe I would n't think so badly of her if she had not had such a sharp tongue toward my poor Mom , who would never say a unkind word but would instead just walk away. I think my Grandmother liked when she would make my Mom cry.

My Dad was third from the youngest of 16 children, and my Mom had a brother as well so we had cousins on top of cousins on top of cousins, aunts and uncles.Actually I grew up with 52 first cousins. Many of the cousins have passed away now and ALL the aunts & uncles are gone. My brother and I often discuss how much smaller our family is and how quiet our holidays.

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Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

I only knew my dad side of the family. My mom's side was only my mom and a  half brother.  My mom' mom passed away when my mom was in high school (cancer), her dad , from what little she spoke of him was he was not a kind person. My dad parents were OK. my granddad had a serious stroke when I was in lower grade school, he lost ability to talk or walk. so really never got close to them either.   My mom never was close to my dad parents. What we did discover was my uncle was greatly inlove with my mom. She married my dad and remained faithful for 46 yrs till my dad passed. my mom passed away less than 5 yrs later. We found this out about my uncle when he passed,I guess he left a letter inhis will about this love.or a note or something that is what my husband i were told when his will was read.



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Posts: 18,538
Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: Do you have a nice grandparents memory?

Just so-so. 


My GP, maternal & paternal lived in the south.  We lived "up north."  The only time we saw them was in the summer since my parents always shipped us kids down south for the summer.  We stayed w/cousins, not the GPs.

My maternal GPs as far as I can remember came up north once to visit.

My paternal GF died before I was born.  The rest of them died when I was a teenager around 12-13 yrs old.  My younger siblings do not remember them at all.




I was in my 30's when I found out through my mother that my maternal GM was actually my "step" GM #3!!!!! faint.gif

My mother's mother died when she was 17 yrs old.  Her father married 3 more times & out lived the 1st 3 wives.  Grandpop was a playa! Smiley LOL

I had asked my mother why she & her siblings always called their mother Miss Helen.  That's when she said that woman is NOT their mother and then she told me the lowdown. Smiley Surprised  Nothing like family secrets.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
