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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

I don't think they are going to bother talking with him...he is already a lifer, it would be nice if they extended his sentence to the death penalty.
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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

Maybe the investigation should start with Governor Como who appointed him.
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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

I just read he is in critical condition. Update posted one hour ago.
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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

I am so glad they finally apprehended him and with no one else being injured or worse.  I know the people living in that area are breathing a huge sigh of relief!  Maybe they can get a good night's sleep tonight and start getting back to their normal routines.

* Freedom has a taste the protected will never know *
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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

@betteb wrote:

@Vivian Florimond wrote:
I'm glad this part of the crisis is over. Nevertheless, employees at the prison need to be investigated. That foolish woman was not the only one who assisted the escaped murderers. The privileges these prisoners enjoyed were ludicrous, given their horrendously violent backgrounds. For 150 years, nobody else had escaped but with the assistance and negligence of prison staff in 2015, these criminals were able to get out.


so let's hear from the super/warden of this prison -  was he an appointee?   lots of questions now about the inner workings of this prison -  and maybe more prisons who run on rewards to prisoners to keep the peace.

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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

In New York, there are eight Commissioners of Corrections (a panel) who appoint the superintendents of the prisons and oversee the whole system. They serve a specific time period, and when their appointment expires, the governor appoints a new it's kind of a "rolling" panel.


The Super at Clinton was appointed to his job in 2010. He rose through the ranks since the 70s. His father was also a superintendent.

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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

Having prison guards helping prisoners escape must be a new "thing" - Saturday night a prisoner convicted of second degree murder escaped with the help of a Guard. ALL prisons/guards need to be scrutinized now. They are in the system for a reason - get rid of the tv's, computers, gyms, etc. There should be no rights and freebies - JMHO

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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

He murdered a police officer which landed him in jail in the first place.  NO REDUCE SENTENCE for this pathetic human being.

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Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

The first cabin that Sweat and Matt holed up in was owned by several Clinton correctional officers.  Do you think that is a random coincidence?

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: David Sweat shot, caught and is still alive.

Quite frankly, I think it's become more common since females began working in male prisons as corrections officers, or civilian kitchen or laundry workers.  Several years ago a Rikers Island female officer became pregnant in a relationship with a convicted cop killer.


It probably occurred for years with male corrections officers in all female prisons, but I think the female worker/male prisoner dynamic is more interesting to the public.