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Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

A month after announced it bought Bed Bath & Beyond’s brand out of bankruptcy, the company has dumped its name and morphed its website and app.

On Tuesday, Overstock’s website relaunched as, a move that merges Overstock’s online business model and merchandise categories with popular branded products favored by Bed Bath & Beyond shoppers.

“All of Overstock’s categories will transition over and new products will also come in,” Jonathan Johnson, CEO of Overstock, said in an interview with CNN.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

too late


BBB should have corrected 2/3/4 years ago


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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

In name only.  Of course, being Overstock rebanded, it will be an online only merchant.  Bed Bath and Beyond was above everything else, a store.  A brick and mortar store where one could spend an hour browsing the aisles and discovering things to buy by serendipity.  Unfortunately physical stores are a vanishing institution.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

It's hard to believe they can compete with Amazon, but I wish them luck.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

Well, no, Bed Bath & Beyond isn't "back."  This  is an entirely new entity, online only.  Your headline is misleading for anyone who hasn't read the details of this deal.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

@Bookplate    The main mall near my home is now pulling in more $$$ than they did prior to the pandemic - most likely because the mix of stores has changed.  The higher end businesses are still doing and well even some of those have eliminated their lower priced lines.  And gradually new upscale businesses are moving in and many are doing well.   Lots of the open air mallls have trouble keeping retail; plenty of empties store rooms but also many new and different uses for lots of them.

I can see a doctor and go next door and try on clothes or shoes from new retailers.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

BBB is most certainly not back.  Overstock has taken over the BBB name, which is more recognizable.  People are familiar with BBB.  Unlike Overstock which makes one think warehouse and Factor seconds.  

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

@millieshops wrote:

@Bookplate    The main mall near my home is now pulling in more $$$ than they did prior to the pandemic - most likely because the mix of stores has changed.  The higher end businesses are still doing and well even some of those have eliminated their lower priced lines.  And gradually new upscale businesses are moving in and many are doing well.   Lots of the open air mallls have trouble keeping retail; plenty of empties store rooms but also many new and different uses for lots of them.

I can see a doctor and go next door and try on clothes or shoes from new retailers.

I am glad to hear this, and hope it continues.  It's just that with BB&B, Lord & Taylor, Coldwater Creek, Pier I (and I could go on) going out of business within a few years of each other, the economic climate for big stores did not seem healthy.  And in NYC it is not just the luxury stores that are flourishing - we lost Bendel's and Barney's.  

The upper east side lost a large Barnes and Noble several years ago, and much to my surprise they opened a considerably smaller store in the same neighborhood just last month.  800 people were lined up in a hot July morning to be the first in the store when the doors opened.  So there is a real desire for hands-on shopping.

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

I saw a report on this today. They are continuing to close the stores, but say they will have new merchandise coming in on the website. I hope they are successful, seems like a real gutsy move. They said people loved the merchandise, just not the management and how the stores were run. Time will tell! 

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Re: Bed Bath & Beyond Is Back !!

I preferred Overstock the way it was. I liked BBB back in the day before they started selling junk. I don't care for it.