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I don't buy anything in a bag or pre-wrapped anymore for just that reason.


We have an organic grocery chain in my area and they don't wrap anything, so I can buy just what I need instead of having to buy 3 or a whole bag.  Then I can look them over closely and make sure they aren't decomposing.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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re bananas


My ideal banana is half green, but once they start getting black spots, I'm out.


My house is always warm, so I keep my bananas in the basement where it's dark and cool and I can get through the week without them getting black spots.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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@VaBelle35, I don't eat bananas with any black spots on them either.  I like the very top to have a little green on them.

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Where is Sids....she will set the record straight on the potatoes.

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@phoenixbrd wrote:

Where is Sids....she will set the record straight on the potatoes.

@phoenixbrd, I was just going to say the same!Woman Very Happy @sidsmom will have a field day with this one.

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Yep, same thing here with potatoes being bleh... and not only in a bag but when purchased individually. I return them. Yep, I do. I'm not paying good money for cr*p produce. At this time, when we eat them (rarely), it's red skin potatoes.


I've found the same issue with apples (mushy on the inside though no bruises on the inside), onions (brown mush on the inside and doesn't matter if bagged or purchased individually) and garlic (spoiled on the inside via mush/mold). Doesn't matter where I go... I'm finding Costco to be one of the worst places now for produce. But Whole Foods has sold rotten produce as well as the big chains.


SOMETHING is going on with our produce, that's for sure. I'm putting in a Victory Garden on my deck this spring (can't have them on the ground as per the HOA). We'll see if that produces some good stuff.

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I am not a fan of spuds, but they're my DH's life blood!  I think that was the only vegetable he ate until he met me.


He always buys big bags-which I consider a waste because half of them are bad.  This has been happening for a couple of years now-no matter where they come from.


About 2 years ago, I decided to try to grow them and it couldn't have been easier-and I had a ball watching them grow!  They produce beautiful fragrant blooms.  The best part? They are resilient and you would have to try real hard to kill them!


I bought these "grow" bags made for root vegetables and tubers, but you don't have to. You can grow them in garbage cans: just drill some holes for drainage. Make sure you buy seed potatoes....and away you go.  It doesn't really matter very much when it comes to Sun: they grow anywhere. Careless about watering? No problem: they are low maintenance and use very little water.


You can even grow them in a garage or basement.  Have fun!


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@SilleeMee wrote:

@phoenixbrd wrote:

Where is Sids....she will set the record straight on the potatoes.

@phoenixbrd, I was just going to say the same!Woman Very Happy @sidsmom will have a field day with this one.

So was I!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@phoenixbrd wrote:

Where is Sids....she will set the record straight on the potatoes.

She gets her information from Dr McDougall, the same man that mass produces processed food items that you will find on the shelves of Whole Foods and Sprouts that contain a whole lot of sodium.  But getting back to the subject of potatoes, one has to find the right type of food that strengthens their immune system and potatoes simply don't work for me.  Everything you eat affects the bacteria in your gut and if you want to avoid getting sick you need to find what works for you to build up your immune system.  

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Everything in moderation is good.  Baked potato has a lot of potassium that is good for your heart. But potato is really high in glycemic and known to elevate and inflammatory process, like arthritis in people. I switched too to sweet potato. But whenever , not too often , eating out I eat regular potato. In fact, I will be in France in June and I will eat a lot of fried young potato, it will be in season. Yummm