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The reason why Ashley did this interview was because the information is going to come out and the family wanted to be the ones to put it out there and not have this story be a part of a rumor mill.  Even on this thread people are gossiping.


Ashley didn't say anything about her mom trying to overdose and it not working.  She said her mom used a weapon.  She used a firearm.  


It's sad to me that she needed to come out with this so soon after her mother's passing, knowing people would just gossip about it all.  It's also sad to me that people feel such despair that they feel the only way out is to end their lives.  This country has got to do better about mental health assistance.

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 Naomi, may she RIP, had all the mental health assistance any one person could possibly use. For many years.

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Like ashley said , you never feel good enough, no matter how you try,she said her moms brain was sick ,i feel that is true, unless you have this disease,you won't really understand.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I watched GMA.  My heart breaks for her. Her mother's death was tragic enough but the fact she found her had to be traumatic.


I know Naomi Judd suffered from depression but doing what she did and how she did it is devastating.  I cannot imagine ever forgetting that horrific sight.

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Ashley had said in the interview that her mother asked if she would stay with her and she said yes.  Why would she want her daughter to find her like that?  I just can't understand.  That will haunt her daughter the rest of her life. 

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@Pecky wrote:

Ashley had said in the interview that her mother asked if she would stay with her and she said yes.  Why would she want her daughter to find her like that?  I just can't understand.  That will haunt her daughter the rest of her life. 

Naomi probably wasn't thinking about her daughter at the time. All she wanted was to find a way to end her depression and suffering. Other peoples' feelings didn't enter the equation. 

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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

The reason why Ashley did this interview was because the information is going to come out and the family wanted to be the ones to put it out there and not have this story be a part of a rumor mill.  Even on this thread people are gossiping.


Ashley didn't say anything about her mom trying to overdose and it not working.  She said her mom used a weapon.  She used a firearm.  


It's sad to me that she needed to come out with this so soon after her mother's passing, knowing people would just gossip about it all.  It's also sad to me that people feel such despair that they feel the only way out is to end their lives.  This country has got to do better about mental health assistance.

The world has got to do better.  As bad as it is here, we are still dealing with cultures that think there is no such thing as a mental illness at all but that it's a moral lack or possession or anything but not an ill brain. 


We need to destigmatize mental illness as we did with alcoholism.  And to a certain extent, we have.  But to be fair, mental illness is complicated and the deep core truth of it is, aren't we all just a little broken in our brains sometimes.  After all this life experience is hard.  Some of us tho, will just pull up our big girl pants and carry on, but soooo many just cannot do that, something in the brain prevents them.  We need to get to bottom of what in their brain prevents them (the medical world still doesn't know after all this time).  Accept that, show compassion, and above all find treatments!


As for people gossiping about the circumstances.  Duh.  The Judds are in the public eye and we are all just people.  Human beings are made to wonder and be curious and get with others who are wondering and curious about the same things.  My grandmother used to always say don't put your life out there unless you want people to talk about you, because child they will, it cannot be helped.  I'm one of these rare millennials that guards my privacy for that reason.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I  would have thought a drug overdose would be what she would choose... shooting yourself is so awful.. painful... can not imagine the state of sadness and desperation  she must have been in.... 

It could be that she tried to overdose, but because it wasn't immediate she choose to shoot herself.


The saddest part of it all is, she knew her daughter was there and would most likely be the one to find her.


That gives me the chills.

@Lucky Charm   I personally feel mostly anger at those who choose to kill themselves... It is a very selfish choice when you have close family like she did that have to clean up the mess....

It seems selfish @SeaMaiden but, it isn't. The dark place people go to at this time is not logical. She was not thinking rational. She would never do that to her daughter. The trauma is so great that death seems the only way out. 



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I truly don't mean any disrespect toward anybody else here, or their opinions, but I think that one thing that might not be understood from the other side of the coin is that you do and do and do and do for everybody else.   You just keep hanging in there for everybody else.   You deal as best you can but, at some point, you end up at the end of your rope and there's nothing left.  You are empty inside because it's all been used up.


At some point when can it be about you and the fact that you just flat can not do it anymore.   That's why I would submit that it really isn't selfish at all.  It isn't easy.  It isn't a cop out.  It's a very difficult place to land.  You don't just decide overnight that you're going to end it.


Thanks for listening Smiley Happy   

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I know it's hard for some people to understand how desperate those with severe depression can feel. I lost a loved one a long time ago and was the last one to speak to her before she chose to end her life.  For many years afterwards, I felt intense anger towards that individual because I thought it was such a selfish act. However, I did come to accept that her pain must have been so intense and overwhelming and all she wanted was it to stop.