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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

I watched. I doubt that Megan and her husband will be invited back. She doesn't seem to fit in IMO. I'm glad the others all went to a bar. I would agree that Shannon has some emotional issues. I would hope she'd be able to put those aside at a party but who knows if she could.

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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@Wsmom wrote:

If I can chime in with what will be the unpopular position, I can see why she didn't invite Shannon.  Shannon always makes a mountain out of a molehill and you can bet had she gone, if Meghan so much as looked at her sideways Shannon would've made a scene and gone into a room and shut the door to await all the other ladies..and I use that term very come in and find out what was wrong and try to cheer her up.  "I don't understand.  I was just standing there and she looked at me.  What have I done to deserve that look?"  Really, that woman defines what a drama queen is.  So if this is Meghan's first introduction into Orange County society, which that in and of itself makes me LOL, and she is concerned about that, she realizes that 99% of OC is not as portrayed on that show and is trying to not be a laughing-stock.

I respect how you feel but I don't even think Meghan is a blip in Shannon's radar. Even now with her constant bullying. In fact Meghan is nothing to her. She's not even in her league or of the other ladies. She was only brought in because the other baseball's player's wife whose name escapes me ( the neighbor) is getting a divorce because he's an addict.

Meghan is trying way too hard to have a storyline and she thought she'd go after Shannon because last season Tamra and Heather who are hateful witches went after Shannon. Meghan thought it would be an easy mark and it's failing ...big time.

Let's face it, she was a mistress to a 3 time loser. The age difference alone will sink that marriage and the only reason she had this event was to impress him. 

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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

I just can't get into this season for some reason

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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

I do not like Jim and Meghan(sp?) What a pretentious putz she is. Her house looks cold and uninviting and more like an office building then a home. Did she really think she can control what the others say about her? How immature she is.


I enjoyed seeing the ladies leave the party and meet up with Vicky and Shannon. It was nice to see them all together and having a good time. Heather should of went along instead of being a goody two shoes.


I agree Caravaggio. If I were Shannon, I'd pull a Dorinda (from the NY show) and tell her to back that sh*t up and back it up quick! Shannon is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but Meghan is a spoiled brat mean girl who needs to get over herself.

I agree, and I think that marriage will last about a nanosecond---he was married two or three times before---and he is already bored with her and he seems like a real jerk, too.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I DVRd last night's episode and will watch tonight.


I watched First Look Sunday night on Bravo which appeared to be scenes from this week's episode.


I do not like Meghan or her husband at all.  The entire drama she created over that phone call with Shannon was way over the top.  She just comes across as a complete snot and her husband comes across as arrogant.  And good luck with that marriage sweetie because I'm guessing a divorce is around the corner for you.


I've heard rumors that the blonde woman (Heather's new neighbor) who was on the Napa trip with them is getting a divorce already from her husband. 

I recently read that the divorce rate in Orange County is 70%---that was astonishing to me!

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

I thought Meghan was wrong in the way she treated Shannon by excluding her from the charity event, but her bad behavior with Shannon started even earlier.

How many times did she need to approach her and say, "I heard you have a problem with me because you think I was flirting with your husband?" 

First of all, the entire group knows that Shannon & David have been having marital problems and that David had an affair. Secondly, it's clear that Meghan is attracted to older men and especially wealthy ones. Would it be so hard to imagine Meghan flirting with David? 

Saying it once was unnecessary. Saying it multiple times was really pushing it. How did she expect Shannon to react to her after that? 

I realize she's only thirty, but that's ridiculous. I think she has a guilty conscience. 

David is not wealthy---he met Shannon when he was doing some constuction work at her house.  The money is hers---her net  worth is about $20 million.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

I can't stand Meghan. She's an entitled little snot. And so confrontational. She just comes across as an immature, bratty jerk. It's bad when I like someone less than Tamra!!!!!!!!! :-0 lol!
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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

[ Edited ]

I don't like Meghan or her husband. He's a TOTAL conceited jerk. His daughter is a TOTAL BRAT. I totally understand why Meghan didn't invite Shannon. She's a MAJOR drama queen and a WHINER. Her husband is such a ZERO. Heather is a MAJOR braggart and totally into money. The amount she and her husband are spending on their new house is WAY over the top. Lizzie is really unattractive and adds NOTHING to the show. Vicki (Miss Piggy)  is clueless and desperate for a man. Brooks is a TOTAL loser and a MAJOR user.

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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@italia8140 wrote:

I don't like Meghan or her husband. He's a TOTAL conceited jerk. His daughter is a TOTAL BRAT. I totally understand why Meghan didn't invite Shannon. She's a MAJOR drama queen and a WHINER. Her husband is such a ZERO. Heather is a MAJOR braggart and totally into money. The amount she and her husband are spending on their new house is WAY over the top. Lizzie is really unattractive and adds NOTHING to the show. Vicki (Miss Piggy)  is clueless and desperate for a man. Brooks is a TOTAL loser and a MAJOR user.

You left out Tamra. Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone watch The Real Housewives of Orange County last night??

@Maxine49 wrote:

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

I thought Meghan was wrong in the way she treated Shannon by excluding her from the charity event, but her bad behavior with Shannon started even earlier.

How many times did she need to approach her and say, "I heard you have a problem with me because you think I was flirting with your husband?" 

First of all, the entire group knows that Shannon & David have been having marital problems and that David had an affair. Secondly, it's clear that Meghan is attracted to older men and especially wealthy ones. Would it be so hard to imagine Meghan flirting with David? 

Saying it once was unnecessary. Saying it multiple times was really pushing it. How did she expect Shannon to react to her after that? 

I realize she's only thirty, but that's ridiculous. I think she has a guilty conscience. 

David is not wealthy---he met Shannon when he was doing some constuction work at her house.  The money is hers---her net  worth is about $20 million.

That may be how they met 20 years ago, but David's company is his, with initial backing from Shannon's parents.