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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

It's funny, when my kids were young I didn't mind the snow at all.  They got a snow day and would be bundled up out sledding and playing with their cousins that lived nearby.


They would all come in and have hot chocolate and get warmed up and out they went again.


Sometimes DH and I would go out and go down the hill too. Even as an adult dragging that sled uphill was a pain.


Now at 70, snow is not fun, nor is a broken hip.

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

Nothing here yet in northern New Jersey.Woman HappyWoman Very Happy

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

[ Edited ]

Snowing hard here.  Sky is very dark.  That's whats worrying me.  No wind though.  Some lightning.  I saw one flash and a peal of thunder.  But that was earlier and it's been quiet since.  Have no idea how deep it is, but the street are snow covered without any evidence of a plow yet. 


The snow is very unpredictable.  Our forecast has been revised several times.  Yesterday they were saying 2" and a couple more of ice on top.  Now it's more then 2"....much more.  I'd say closer to 3-5  inches right now.  Another worry is the ice (supposedly starting this evening) But as I said before...NO wind.  Which a good thing.  Temps is steady around 31F

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

I don't expect to see a snowplow until tomorrow morning.  Our road is always one of the last to be plowed even though it is a state road. 


I can guarantee the dirt township roads will be plowed and cindered quickly.  Our township crew is good.

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

We have about 4 inches here so far in Pennsylvania.I couldn't write this at the bottom of my picture sorry! 

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

I have never liked the snow even when I was a kid. My mother would say go outside and play, I would rather stay inside where it was toasty and warm. Now as an adult I hate it even more, I have to shovel and I don't like driving when there is snow and ice on the ground. I live in NYC, they are scaring us like it's the storm of the century, I hope I don't lose power. I hope everyone stays safe.

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

Snow will start later here and end late in the afternoon tomorrow.  They are predicting 10-12 inches for us.  My niece went to the grocery store.  We all work remotely so I don't care when it begins or how much we end up with.  We're in a condo so our cars are the only shoveling we have to do.  I can open the blinds and kick back and watch the beauty of the snow falling on the trees.  

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

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Snow is "around" 4 inches.  I can't tell.  Nobody outside.  Freezing rain is here though.  Temps crawled up to 34F Streets are deserted. Tempted to go out to see if we have mail.  But decided against it.  Steps look slippery

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Re: And We Are Off, Our Snow Just Started.

@chrystaltree   The first snow storm after I retired and didn't have to go and clean off the car, leave earlier to allow extra time, schlep from the parking lot to the office, well, I would have done a cartwell if I could have.


It's nice to look at if you are inside.