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🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

There are actually 37,000 plus, to honor Massachusetts soldiers killed in service since the Revolutionary War.


They were placed on the Common by 700 volunteers. The photos can't even show all of them.





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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common


"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

Love it! Thanks for sharing @Greeneyedlady21 .

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

Absolutely amazing and quite wonderful.  Thanks for posting.

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

Beautiful and so wonderful to see! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

Terrific, and very moving.

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common


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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

It reminds all of us the true meaning of Memorial Day, which sometimes get lost among the store sales, barbeques, beaches and swimming pools.

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

Stunning!!!  A lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.  Thanks for sharing this.

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Re: 🇺🇸 37,000 Flags On Boston Common

How beautiful.  I’d love to see this in person...if they do it next year, I may get my chance