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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

I read that the Knix brand had damaging chemicals in them but it was some time ago so I don't have the details. I would research it if I were planningto buy them.

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

A friend of mine bought these panties for her daughter when the daughter had elbow and shoulder surgery. My friend said there was no way she was going to changer her daughter's tampons but said that the panties worked really well for them.

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

@monicakm wrote:



I've been aware of this procedure for decades but didn't need it till a few years ago.  I'm ready to do something, medically, about this!

Its so easy- 1 day recovery.  Go for a consult. You won't regret it.

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

Yeah, I was wondering if this would be suitable for minor leaks like for stress incontinence when exercising. 

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)



I know I won't regret it Smiley Happy  I have to get a knee replaced first and that isn't scheduled till (tentatively) May 3.  

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

[ Edited ]

I think these products are the start of what the future holds.   Disposable feminine products are expensive, many women are allergic to them and some chemicals used in the manufacturing of them are harmful.


Our landfills are full of one time use plastic applicators, and pads with plastic backings.  We need to reduce this type of waste.  This is a modern problem.  In past history women used washable protection.


I have not used any of the feminine leakproof panties, but I have purchased washable pads that can be used with regular panties.  I never had a problem with them. They fold and snap shut in the hamper to avoid smells, etc.  


I don't see a long term future for disposable baby diapers either.  It will take hundreds of years for these types of things to break down.

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

Just read this:


Thinx is a New York–based company that makes feminine hygiene products.[1][2][3][4] The company is currently under scrutiny for a class action lawsuit [5] that alleges Thinx products contain harmful toxins including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) which may be linked to adverse health outcomes like cancer.[6]

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Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

[ Edited ]

I believe these "Thinx" Period Panties are intended to be washable.


There was "no way" that I would rely solely on this panties during my period, in younger days.  Sometimes Ive have to wear a tampon *and* pad, on esp heavy days.


But these panties sure would  have come handy during "menopause," where, *surprise* *surprise* you have "break thru bleeding!"

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Registered: ‎09-02-2022

Re: "Thinx"Period Undrwear"(for*Bladdr*Leaks?)

@Judaline wrote:

Just read this:


Thinx is a New York–based company that makes feminine hygiene products.[1][2][3][4] The company is currently under scrutiny for a class action lawsuit [5] that alleges Thinx products contain harmful toxins including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) which may be linked to adverse health outcomes like cancer.[6]







WHOA!!!  Worth watching!!  Thanks!