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I've never found the wet brush to be overly impressive. Dry bar has a version of it and it lasts much longer (I've had for 2 years). 

I really like he a Goody dentangling comb for wet hair.

I'm glad to see the denman brush mentioned, I also have curly hair and the denman is always recommended (I haven't tried yet).

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@ Detangler, and I have a wet brush also. Strange that this has come up, my problem with my hair my brush is doing well. I am going to search for the Jonson & Johnson de-tangler at the store. I bought it for my sister as I took care care of her for a long time when we were kids and it worked. She would cry and run screaming when I had to do her hair.Sure pray that it is still around.Don't remeber if it was a shampoo or a spray it was so long ago. My post today was the same , how strange.

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@SilleeMee wrote:

Okay so after reading about how great the Wet Brush is I bought one back in January. I really love it. It's a wonderful detangler and it feels really good on my scalp! 


Here it is August and my Wet Brush bristle tips are breaking off! arrrg. Then the bristles don't feel too good going across my scalp...they are sharp and scratchy. 


So I did some reading and what I found out is that the Wet Brush is designed to last for only 6 monthsSmiley Indifferent....wwwhaaat?? really??!  Toss it in the trash and buy a new one. hmmm


I think I'll be looking for a better option. Anyone have a rec for a good detangling brush? TIAWoman Happy



@SilleeMee wrote:

Okay so after reading about how great the Wet Brush is I bought one back in January. I really love it. It's a wonderful detangler and it feels really good on my scalp! 


Here it is August and my Wet Brush bristle tips are breaking off! arrrg. Then the bristles don't feel too good going across my scalp...they are sharp and scratchy. 


So I did some reading and what I found out is that the Wet Brush is designed to last for only 6 monthsSmiley Indifferent....wwwhaaat?? really??!  Toss it in the trash and buy a new one. hmmm


I think I'll be looking for a better option. Anyone have a rec for a good detangling brush? TIAWoman Happy



Thanks for posting that.  I bought the dog version and I will now pay attention to the bristles so I don't cause my dog discomfort.  

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@Shaunac   I also use a hair pick. I purchased it over 30 years ago for under a dollar at CVS (although I think back then it was still called Revco here and not CVS). That pick is older than my daughter lol. 


I've (obviously) cleaned it over the years, but it's simple to clean as it's plastic. When my hair is still damp I run the pick through it and let it finish drying---then run the pick through one more time. 


My  hair is loosely curly but fine. I definitely do not have a thick head of hair. The pick is all I need, but I realize that might not work for everyone.

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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@SilleeMee wrote:

Okay so after reading about how great the Wet Brush is I bought one back in January. I really love it. It's a wonderful detangler and it feels really good on my scalp! 


Here it is August and my Wet Brush bristle tips are breaking off! arrrg. Then the bristles don't feel too good going across my scalp...they are sharp and scratchy. 


So I did some reading and what I found out is that the Wet Brush is designed to last for only 6 monthsSmiley Indifferent....wwwhaaat?? really??!  Toss it in the trash and buy a new one. hmmm


I think I'll be looking for a better option. Anyone have a rec for a good detangling brush? TIAWoman Happy



@SilleeMee   Try the Denman Brush (about $15 on Amazon). It has a rubber cushion and plastic bristles. You can remove the cushion, take out one or two rows of bristles depending on thickness of hair. It's the Mason Pearson brush of wet brushes. Watch the video for tips.

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Thank you! @Shanus 

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I also have curly hair and find that a regular comb will just flatten my curls.  The pick will lift them and it is easy to get through my hair.