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Wen and the two redheaded models

I've been a bottle redhead for over 10 years, and when they showed the two models who just an hour before had the exact same shade of red hair with one now being a lot lighter due to regular shampoo, well, I have to call the Wen gang out on that one.

I've had three different types of red dye used on m hair by four different colorists, and on those rare times when it came out too dark for my taste, I'd reach for the harshest shampoo available at your average store--baby shampoo--and scrub and scrub and scrub. The best I would get is a teeny change, and I'd just have to let it fade out with time. Only once have I seen a shampoo literally strip color to where it's truly visible with one wash, and that was a sulfate-free "natural" one from Australia. Even then, it wasn't nearly as dramatic as Chaz's example.

What in the heck did they do to her hair because I've never seen a shampoo that would do that much damage--especially one they say is for colored hair--with a single wash. I even use a clarifying shampoo before a color, and I can't begin to get that kind of result.

Things that make you go "hmmmm."

Read it! New England Journal of Medicine—May 21, 2020
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.