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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

Kjae ~ agree 100%. I've really stopped looking as frequently at the Qvc bb because of the meanness of so many posters. I used to love watching Suzanne on hsn w Colleen and bought her pjs and a few jewelry items and have been inspired to take good care of myself and educate myself about health issues and keep myself informed. I appreciate that she tries to be an advocate for women. It's up to us to read, educate and be informed ourselves as well. Unkind comments are a lack of grace in my opinion. Glad to see Suzanne on Qvc ! 

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

Just caught the little bit when a familiar person called in and mentioned all those "other" items they are using of hers, I'm sure all those products are coming too.


All her "cheat notes" for what each ingredient does was pretty boring, I flipped, she lost me.  Didn't like the presentation, she wasn't "selling" her product, she wasn't excited about them, the bottle/packaging is boring, the price is "yikes" and it's really not what's in the vitamin, it's how much of each ingredient.


Lackluster performance and to me a big dud.

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

She seems like a very nice person, although I have no interest in her as a vitamin spokesperson. I have taken my Lessmann vits to my GP as well as my GYN and am very comfortable with taking those supplements. Seems to me QVC brough her in to bring her fans to the channel. Anyway, wish her well as an author and speaker.

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

I agree she is showing her age.  She is 70 but since she left Evine she seems to have aged in those few months, unless they had a good filter on her.  Her husband really didn't look all that well either. Jane was a bit over the top last night as well.  The dress Jane had on didnt do her any favors either.  Sorry I like Jane but some of her clothing choices are questionable.  I'm surprised the stylists at QVC didn't make another suggestion for her wardrobe choice.  We all have flaws but that dress really made her hips look bigger than they are.  I loved Suzanne when she sold jewelry at HSN I still have her pieces and they were great.  I wish she would go back to selling the jewelry again.  I can get vitiamins anywhere and Lessman blows her out of the water on HSN. 

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

I agree, she needs to sell something else  The show last night was not good but I think since it was her first show, she may have toned it down a bit.  QVC is a bit on the "conservative" side.  She had alot more freedom at HSN but they didnt want her selling supplements since Lessman is there as well and he has great products and prices. She needs to go back to the jewelry and clothing.  Vitamins can be bought in a variety of places. 

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

@Just Bling, Honestly, I did not see the show, but I'd like to defend Suzanne referring to notes.  Trust me, everyone who comes out there has notes somewhere within reach on the set  they can refer to. In the fast pace of TV shopping, even the most trained minds can have a recall laspe of a fact, or need to refer to something they don't know off the top of their head.   I'd rather see her referring to notes from her experts about ingredients than trying to pretend that she is the expert.  I  have never used her vitamins and supplements, but she has never presented herself as a developer of anything or a scientist.  Her claim is that she is an informed consumer and has a team of expert professionals in the field who give her the scientific information she shares with us. 


I have used Andrew Lessman's supplements, and although he's been in the vitamin/supplement business a long time now he was a lawyer when he started his company.  Andrew had studied medicine in college, so I suppose that does qualify him as having some background in science and human wellness before becoming a vitamin manufacturer.

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

I was channel surfing and came across the show last night. Jane was certainly over-excited and Suzanne appeared to be a little nervous - not as comfortable as I'm used to seeing her on Evine. I wish her husband would stay OFF the set and I don't wish to hear about their s#x life. As for what she's selling at this time, I will stick to Andrew Lessman - they've worked for me for a long time. If some of her other products come to the Q, I may try some of them. I know I already like her hair serum and my bottle is nearly empty ...

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

Most of the items were supplements, like the sleep renew, similar to Andrew Lessman's products. And I like him but honestly, he can talk about one item for half an hour!  So, I don't mind Suzanne telling us about them. 

   Also, I'm glad she had her protein shakes on, they're very good. I hope I'm in as good shape as she is when I'm 70. 

Posts: 56
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

I don't often post on here, but I am following the boards quite often. I have to say that I am so disappointed in the very cruel comments about Suzanne Somers! She looks great for 70 years old! I wonder how many of the mean spirited posters look 1/10 as good as she does! It always surprises me how we, as women, are so ready to trash talk other women instead of building each other up! We should be ashamed of ourselves! We are our own worst enemies! As far as vitamins go, I take all Andrew Lessman's  except for my Omega 3...that is Suzanne's brand. It is the only one that doesn't repeat on me. Sorry for the rant, but I just can't imagine what sad things have gone on in people's lives to make them so mean!!

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Re: Suzanne Somers - Are you serious???

She must have it in her contract to sit at a glass table when presenting products as she did this on the other network as well.


I don't know who would spend so much money on a protein shake with just 15 grams of protein.  There are so many more options out there for less money and more protein.  They are paying for the name, not the product.