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Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

I decided to post here because this category moves quickly, more people see it (thus more comments), it does pertain to perfume (i.e. beauty) and I'd just recently posted about Philosophy's 'Fresh Cream' and the smell of vanilla.

Now, let me preface this by saying several things. I have something wrong with me (it has a name) where I can't smell or taste much, small amount here and there). That's why I posted about the vanilla smell.

I'll post the second thing I want you to remember as you read this to note that on this day I did not have on any perfume at all. (That's important to remember). Most of the time I wear Amazing Grace perfume AND because I can't smell much, I use it lightly.

This should probably be posted somewhere else, but it does pertain to cologne and smells.

I received a call from my Thyroid Dr telling me I needed to get in his office immediately. He is an older Dr (ready to retire and definitely not an alarmist, so I knew it was important). I'd had a second biopsy done the day before and was told by the two Drs who did it all was fine. I thought they knew what they were talking about.

As I went running out of the house (frazzled because I'd just received a call from my youngest daughter telling me that her Dr informed her that she'd have to have 1/2 of her thyroid removed). She lives in another state, unmarried and I knew I'd be flying there to be with her. My thoughts were with her and me being her Mom, giving her the support a Mom gives.

I sat in his waiting room. I'd never been to this office before. It was a huge waiting room and because it was almost closing time, I was the only person in it.

Suddenly a young woman (wearing colorful 'scrubs' the nurses wear these days) so I figured she worked there. She quickly walked past me to the front door and said (no, she YELLED, "Phew! Someone in here STINKS". I thought, "What? Did she say what I thought she said?"

Then a minute later she walked back again and said the same thing, except she added, "Someone's perfume is terrible. It makes me feel sick"! She stood in front of where I was sitting! I looked at her and said, "Since I'm the only other person in this waiting room, I guess that's me. I'm sorry. I didn't put on any perfume. (It may have been left over from the last time I wore the jacket).

It was as if she hadn't heard me! She turned and walked back out the door. She came back in again and went behind the glass where there were other women (they check you in).

Another woman (a little older) came out from the glass and I said, "I'm sorry the smell is so bad. I can't smell or taste much. I do apologize". She said, "Mam, I don't smell anything. I don't know what she's talking about".

Then this first woman (let's call her the lady in green because she was wearing green flowered scrubs) called me to weigh me. As I stepped on the scale, she covered her nose with my chart and made some sort of sound (like she was was gagging).

Then she took me back into one of his offices, but she didn't walk in with me, she walked past the room and with her hand pointed in the room. I went in and sat there waiting for the Dr to come tell me if I had cancer in my Thyroid. All I could think of was my sweet daughter alone and needing an operation.

Then I heard this nurse (the one in green) talking to some people in a back room. They were laughing and a patient (male said very loudly, "I hope you're not talking about me stinking because he's (the blood guy) is getting ready to stick a needle in my arm" and I heard the green nurse say, "No. She's sitting in the back room".

Tears started rolling down my face! I guess it was from embarrassment and not knowing what the Dr was going to tell me and thoughts of m daughter.

By the time the Dr came in I burst in full-blown tears. He hugged me and said he was sorry that had happened. Then the girl in green came in and literally THREW the folder at him. I said, "She's the one who was so rude".

He said, "Oh! I was thinking it was another one. I've been having trouble with another one too".

She'd given him the wrong folder (it wasn't mine) and everything flew out onto the floor!

I told the Dr there are too many people who do their job without drama. So many people need jobs these days and someone like her has a job and doesn't have enough sense to understand how lucky she is.

He said, "Don't worry, I'll deal with this".

Here's my take on this. Please don't bother trying to say, "Maybe she was having a bad day. You don't know what news she'd had. Bla Bla!"

None of that matters. She was at work. She only had to be around me for maybe 15 minutes (not even that much total) and she couldn't hold her HATE for my smell to herself!

I asked the other ladies on the other side of the office if I had on too much perfume. The said, "There is a slight smell of perfume. But it smells good. It's so slight we have to pay attention to smell it". That many people weren't lying.

Society today has some major problems. At my age I've come across a lot of people I'm a people person. I love people. I'll talk to anyone anywhere.

I am beginning to see rudeness happen like I've never seen before. There is no excuse for someone being rude to another stranger when the stranger has done nothing to evoke it.

That afternoon I threw on a jacket I'd previously worn where I'd probably spritzed it with Amazing Grace. The smell had to be slight because I'd not worn it for at least 1 week, maybe even 2 weeks.

If you've gotten to the end of this, thank you.

If you've encountered a lot of rudeness lately, please let me know I'm not the only person on these boards who has noticed the breakdown of good manners.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

Wow, that gal in the green scrubs was certainly beyond rude to you. Her behavior wasn't professional at all. Hopefully she won't be employed there very long.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

Hi Annabelle, I am sending you a hug friend. I am sorry that happened to you. I hope that the doctor either spoke to that staff member or dismissed her. Clearly, she did not have the proper skills to be working in that job, if she can't overlook a bit of perfume she didn't like the smell of. Obviously it didn't bother everyone because that other lady said she didn't smell anything.

I understand about your problem with taste and smell, I had a family member with that problem. This person that I cared about very much could not smell smoke if his house was on fire! It is really a problem and something no one understands unless you've had experience with it.

I hope you feel better today and will let that go, do not let rude people like that upset you. People are rude everywhere today. Out in public, at the doctor's office, here on the boards etc. They all think they are right and everyone else is wrong. They all think that it is their business to butt in and weigh in on your business and give their opinion or a nasty retort when it's just not their place to do that.

There are nice and kind people out there too however. You just have to choose to focus on them and not the nasty rude people.

I hope you and your daughter are going to be okay and can have a good outcome with your medical issues. Please know that your experience with rude people is not unusual, it happens to a lot of us. People really do not have manners anymore and some just need to learn to close their mouths and mind their own business. It's sad.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

I am sorry. I opened this to read it and closed it again. This is way to long.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

I hope you and your daughter are okay.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

Keep your health and your daughter's your Number One priority. People like that are not worth any of your time, someone like that does not belong in the healthcare profession, no compassion and no common sense either.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

Being rude is the order of the day in our country now. No surprise. Look at how citizens are being treated in so many ways. It's frightening - no shame, no embarrassment anymore. Just go after someone if you like - you have no right to have any effect on their lives. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, especially at a stressful time.

One question - are you okay? Not to be nosey, but I hope you're okay and no big problems. I almost feel I know you as we agree on posts quite often.

I guess the only consolation I can offer is something my Dad used to tell me - CONSIDER THE SOURCE!

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

I'm so sorry you had this experience. I've worked in a hospital for several years now and I wear pure grace spritz because it's a clean fragrance with zero staying power so I figure the scent has already dissipated by the time I get to work.

Few people have commented on it. When I did hear comments, they were generally positive. Things like: "What detergent/fabric softener do you use? Smells good."

Ironically, on the days I wore amazing grace (before I ever worked at a hospital), I received compliments. Odd, because I cannot tolerate this fragrance on me.

I've worked with ill infants who can smell unpleasant at times, and now I work with psychiatric patients who also can be, because of self-neglect or homelessness, malodorous.

We assume that those in the healthcare industry are compassionate, sensitive, and kind. We refer to them as angels. Not all fit comfortably in this category unfortunately. There's a lot of drama in the workplace. Sadly, a lot of it comes from staff.

Again, I'm sorry you had such a negative experience.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

Dr's offices are only as good as the staff. They can't afford to have rude staff! I work where there are people that do not bath, so the smell is something I'm familiar with but I always do my business and move them along as fast as possible. I'm am a bit more concerned for you by your doctor's urgency! I do pray everything came out just fine. I have a very low thyroid, 200mcg of Synthroid, so I understand the worries that come along with it.

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Re: Speaking of Philosophy and Rudeness That Prevails Today!

I just think it's odd that someone, anyone, would find the need (and think it would be ok) to comment on someone's fragrance.

I just think this is really rude. I would never think to go up to someone and tell them they smell bad! I would think if someone really did smell bad, you could just move away from them if you are out in public or somewhere. Wouldn't that be more polite?

I just don't understand what benefit the person would have, telling someone they smell bad. To what end? What could they do about it right then, at that moment? They couldn't very well go wash off their perfume and even if they were wearing perfume someone else didn't like, why would someone think it is their business to tell another person they didn't like it?

I guess I don't get the thought process of people today thinking it's all about them and if you are offending them in some way they are the one that's right and you're "wrong" or "bad". When did this become the prevalent way of thought.... I don't understand it.