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Search box - type in WEN Bamboo...


I am a BGT addict. Today I happened to enter WEN Bamboo green tea into the Q search box just to see...and the gallon appeared as being available already! So much for having to "wait until June". I already ordered my gallons and they arrived today! I searched the other scents and this didn't happen...just a mistake on the BGT, I guess!

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Re: Search box - type in WEN Bamboo...

Hi I just ordered the gallon. It is on the green tea page with the other sizes. I LOVE the fragrance! Works well on my hair. Thank you for the heads up!

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Re: Search box - type in WEN Bamboo...

It's on the Wen product page now.
Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Re: Search box - type in WEN Bamboo...

OMG...I literally almost fell out of my chair when I read this!....My jaw is still on the

I sooo want that bamboo gallon (I use that stuff for everything!!!) but I'm trying to be good for the new 613 stuff (If anyone sees the perfume go live, PLEASE page me!!!!lol)

I'm gonna try so hard not to buy that gallon....but it's good to know it's there (in case I have a cocktail or two and just go hog wild ordering stuff lol)

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Registered: ‎06-21-2011

Re: Search box - type in WEN Bamboo...

Thanks to a poster on here I got my Bamboo gallon AD.