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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Peels and expensive creams question...

I just posted this question but cannot seem to find the post so I'll try again....grrr!

Anyway I am currently doing the 40% lactic peels from MUAC. I just did the 2nd peel this am. I have very few wrinkles, a few small lines around my eyes (I am 57 years old) but I do have sun/age spot issues that I would like to lighten. I am also trying the product on my hands which look pretty bad.

I never purchased expensive face creams until I started watching the Q and was told there was a difference in what goes into the products, so I started using the Dr. Denese face, and eye creams and the firming pads. While I like the products I really don't see that they have made that much difference, but then again how would I know, I have fairly decent skin to begin with.

My question to those of you that are more knowledgable is... are drug store items like olay type products just as good as the more expensive products. I would like to save some money using less expensive items. Of course a good spf daily is a given.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.