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Registered: ‎10-05-2010

OT/ ladies need advice please...job related

Hello ladies, I know this is not about beauty, but I've found some awesome women here that have great knowledge, so this is where I post to ask. I work in a medical office and the office manager has become very controlling and is getting under everyone's skin as she is very twofaced and she backstabs,,won't fess up when she makes a mistake so she blames it on others. She is so nice to your face, but talks about me and everyone else behind your back,,,and things that aren't even true. She is a huge gossiper,,,whispering till you come in the room. She causes alot of troublel,but you can't talk to her as she gets VERY defensive. I usually just have to bite my tongue and walk away. She used to be my friend, but she's changed. Has anyone out there ever had to deal with someone like this at your work place. ? I have worked here for 20 years,,,she's been here 8. Any stories or advice will be appreciated. I know that others in this office are struggling with her also,,this is why I decided to post here and ask. TIA!!