Posts: 62
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

O/T - I'm Back - Kind Of After Irene!

I'm using our office computer to say Hi! and I'm able to be back with you all, at least during my work day. I lurk at night on my I-Phone. We are still without power at home. No water, electric, nothing. Finally got power back in full at the office yesterday afternoon. We've managed pretty well, flushing the toilets with pool water and using 5 gallon jugs for washing and drinking. My DH has become a whiz on the grill and our basement freezer maintained fully frozen food from Sunday a.m. still through today, although today is the end. My DS got full power last night at 7 p.m. so we'll shower over there until we are up and running. Best invention ever - the Sun Shower! It looks like a huge hot water bottle that you fill with water and let it sit in the sun all day hang it up and have a hot shower, almost too hot.

Just wanted to say how lucky we were with no structural damage to the house. We got hit real hard. My DH is an insurance agent and has seen such damage. Very sad.

And we have had a rousing on-going rummy game, with upwards of 8 people at our table each evening. Our DSs (college aged) and their friends have been joining in and enjoying my DHs chef skills LOL! Lots of fun and laughter.

I hope that all that rode out the storm fared well and will report in as power gets turned on.

Blessings -
