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My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

Bought Fresh cream out of curiosity and the good recommendations. I used the lotion today. I did not like the scent but, thought it would dissipate like the others. Sitting in church, the fragrance lingered....ugh ! I thought, perhaps the Philosophy scents aren't disappearing like we thought. Just wear a scent you don't like and you may notice the scent all day. I will throw my Fresh Cream away since it's no longer returnable.
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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

Oh wish you could throw it away at my house! I would love to try it.

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

If you like fresh, clean scents that do not linger forever, try Caldrea. They have lotions, butters and purse size perfume in 3 different scents all which are very, very nice. or

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

My mom just bought me the amazing grace trio lotion olive oil scrub and spritz. I think it smells just as good as ever. My husband put some lotion on his hands before he went to bed and he washed up for work the next morning and about 1oclock in the afternoon. He called me and said I can't believe the lotion I put on I can still smell it.
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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

I love Fresh Cream. I think Fresh Cream and Pure Grace are my two Philosophy favorites. Have you had it too long to return it? Some places (like QVC) accept returns of opened items.

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

The Fresh Cream spray fragrance is stronger than most of the original Philosophy fragrances. When I use Pure Grace or Unconditional Love, it tends to fade after 2 or 3 hours, but Fresh Cream stays most of the day. I like my Fresh Cream spray fragrance, so I don't mind it lasting. :-) Also, most of the new Philosophy fragrances seem to be stronger in general, compared to the original fragrances.

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

I love the fresh cream perfume. smells like vanilla marshmallow to me. I never tried the lotion tho

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

Love fresh cream -- I do NOT like amazing grace or falling in love.

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Re: My Philosophy fragrance did not dissipate

Another favorite of mine is snow angel.