Posts: 62
Registered: ‎04-06-2010

My 613 replenishing mist just arrive

My first impression well I order the OTO and 2 bottles of the 613 mist by themselves they came in two different packaging the two single bottle I order came in a huge box and then two little boxes no offense but really wasteful on the packing sorry I must say that the OTO in my opinion should have been in a better box the packaging really made no sense to me anyway now for the 613 mist right off the bat I notice the 613 mist bottles are not sealed what so ever for me this is very upsetting . I know it's all good cause it's new but honestly as much as it cause and only 4 oz I want a seal on it . This will be a concern on future orders . I worry people will return after using and dilute it or remove it and put something in its place . Now for the smell in the bottle it smells really strong citrus note but when u spray it on the skin it smell like the vanilla I haven't tried it on my hair yet but I will here shortly