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I decided to order Studio fix powder plus foundation online since there is not a store close by.  The chat lady online helped me figure out my color.  Of course it was not a match.  It came looking like something someone had been using in their purse.  I decided to return it to a MAC store and get matched(45 minutes away).  It took forever for her to do return and then match me.  Finally I paid for it and left.  Then looked online and was charged three times for one compact.  Called store and they said there was nothing they could do.  Called corporate and was on hold 24 minutes with 4 four different people.  Now I have to dispute the charges with bank as they can do nothing.   Wish I had never heard of Mac cosmetics.  I just wanted to try a different powder foundation. 

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I feel your pain.  I had a somewhat similar problem with an order I placed online for a serum.  In my case I had to submit a claim to my bank and it took 2, yes 2, months to get my money back.  The charge was doubled - and it wasn't a small amount either. The upside to this crazy transaction was that the company I bought it from refunded me the price I paid for the one order.  So frustrating.

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Apparently you're not alone.  A MAC store arrived at my local Belk a few months ago.  It was placed directly next to the front door.  They had disgusting music blaring from their area which clashed terribly with the already existing music pumped through the store.  The flashing lights were annoying to say the least, and the colors, displays, etc. were equally unwelcome.  This lasted for about four or five months. Then the entire department disappeared overnight, hopefully not to be heard or seen again. Someone said that Estee Lauder owned the brand and demanded front and center space in the store. No idea why a company like Lauder would get involved with such tacky stuff. Just MHO, but apparently it wasn't meant for our area, and it took months and money to find that out.  For me, based on the look and sound of the department, I'd say it was for teens - not adults.

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I like MAC Cosmetics and I am certainly not a teen or 20 something.  I think they have a wide variety of products but I can agree that not every product is for every age group.  I really like a lot of their lip products - very wide selection of colors.  I think some of their foundations are nice too.  

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@chiclet,     I wanted to try MAC several years ago but the problem was the sales associates that knew next to nothing about the products.  I don't have time to waste waiting for the help to figure out my shade.  I have moved on.  I can feel your pain. Spend a little more and get the right shade and a better product.  Laura Mercier is my choice now and she offers different undertones.  Cat Very Happy

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@Katcat1. If I'm shopping in a dept. store for mu, I look around for an artist w/ a look similar to mine or one who's wearing a look I'd like her to try on me. Many of the MAC artists frighten me. IMO, how could I possibly ask their opinion about a natural look, for example, when many of them look they're on their on their way to a Halloween party.


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I'm sorry you haven't had a good experienc with Mac. It's my favorite makeup in the world! And, I have a LOT of makeup. LOL I hope you get another chance to try something. I love the eyeshadows, blushes, brushes, mascara, mascara primer, eyeliners, lip colors, Turquatic many things. I have used Mac every since I discovered it at my local Macy's years & years & years, ago.

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Re: Mac cosmetics

[ Edited ]

@chiclet So sorry you had such a stressful experience.  P.S I do hope you like your new foundation! Smiley Happy